Monday, January 31, 2011

Rachael Cairns

Rachael Cairns is my favourite girl from Cycle 4 of BNTM. Rachael came in 4th place. Alexandra Evans was the winner. She was sent home because she reacted badly to critism. Rachael now has her own website, and contact information for modeling, which she has done some, and for her acting career which she has played in many movies, commercails, and a very popular britain tv show.
This is my favourite picture of Racheal because she is really smiling, and she looks happy. I love the movement, it looks so natural. and the all the colours in the photo look amazing and works with her personality.
Rachael was my fav girl of this cycle because she was very reglious, but she didnt push it on people, and she didnt try to use it to her advantage, she was really subtle about it, and that shows she really truly believes in god, and trusts that her will lead her the right way. and everyone needs something to believe in. :P