Tuesday, January 25, 2011


This is what appeared on the Taiwan news.

The recent video that was posted up on Facebook of a guy abusing a toy poodle has sparked a national outrage amongst Facebook users; and most local papers have reported the article as well - and it has even gone as far as Singapore SPCA, AsiaOne and above.. the Taiwan news.

I read that the Facebook users have managed to identify and almost found this bastard already. Yayyy social media! Lets help out by spreading the information/news on the useless bastard who did it. The latest update is that they have shifted out quite suddenly (guilty?).

Anyways, there's a Petition Online now - a Petition against the Infamous Famous Dog Abuser. Go on it - and sign it if you're against this bloody abuser.

Here - Share this post around and make this issue be aware by the public. If anyone knows this guy, do not hesitate to make a police report on this case.

Lets all join forces and rescue this cute poodle and perhaps plenty of other pets from abuse.

I am a dog lover myself - with so many doggies. It disgusts me to see other dogs being abused.

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