Friday, April 30, 2010

Deep Space Nine--"Accession"

I had completely forgotten about this episode until seeing it again now. It slipped my mind most likely because it feels out of place with the current narrative threads running through the series. It is a more significant episode now considering the parallels between a new emissary appearing to reestablish the more strict religious order on the Bajoran people and the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan.

An ancient ship, similar to the one flown by Sisko in “Explorers,” comes through the wormhole. The pilot is one of Bajor’s most famous poets, Akorem. He was brought into the wormhole by the prophets who healed his mortal wound and then returned him two hundred years later. Akorem is convinced he is the true Emissary. Sisko who has grown weary of serving as a religious icon, readily abdicates as the Emissary.

Unfortunately, Akorem believes it is his job to reestablish D’Jara on Bajor. Think of it as Wahhabism. There is a caste system in which Bajorans can only serve in certain jobs according to their status. Refusal to cooperate results in execution by religious edict. Worse yet, a return to the D’Jara means Bajor does not wish to join the Federation.

The Bajorans originally cast off the D’Jara in order to uite in fighting the Cardassians. They have grown since then. Sisko realizes this and what a step back returnig to the old ways would be. he decides to challenge Akorem’s claim to be the Emissary.

They visit the wormhole to consult the prophets. They confirm they brought Akorem into the future to convince sisko he is the true Emissary ad future of Bajor. They Akorem back into the past fully healed, but with no memory of what happened. Sisko becomes much more comfortable with his Emissary role now that he knows what would happen without his guidance.

The B-story involves o’Brien adjusting to having his family back. The character is somewhat diminished here. He does not seem very happy to learn he is going to be a father again. It appears he would rather hang out with Bashir than his family. He even sees to long for his bachelor days, a point the vehemently denied back in ’Hippocratic Oath.” While o’Brien is not my favorite character by any stretch, I am comfortable with him more as the straitlaced family man than someone who still has wild oats to sow. He was not presented well here at all.

But otherwise, I liked “Accession.” I am betting this is one I like now more than I did when it first aired. Easy to speculate, since I had completely forgotten it.

Rating: *** (out of 5)

Deep Space Nine--"Accession"

I had completely forgotten about this episode until seeing it again now. It slipped my mind most likely because it feels out of place with the current narrative threads running through the series. It is a more significant episode now considering the parallels between a new emissary appearing to reestablish the more strict religious order on the Bajoran people and the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan.

An ancient ship, similar to the one flown by Sisko in “Explorers,” comes through the wormhole. The pilot is one of Bajor’s most famous poets, Akorem. He was brought into the wormhole by the prophets who healed his mortal wound and then returned him two hundred years later. Akorem is convinced he is the true Emissary. Sisko who has grown weary of serving as a religious icon, readily abdicates as the Emissary.

Unfortunately, Akorem believes it is his job to reestablish D’Jara on Bajor. Think of it as Wahhabism. There is a caste system in which Bajorans can only serve in certain jobs according to their status. Refusal to cooperate results in execution by religious edict. Worse yet, a return to the D’Jara means Bajor does not wish to join the Federation.

The Bajorans originally cast off the D’Jara in order to uite in fighting the Cardassians. They have grown since then. Sisko realizes this and what a step back returnig to the old ways would be. he decides to challenge Akorem’s claim to be the Emissary.

They visit the wormhole to consult the prophets. They confirm they brought Akorem into the future to convince sisko he is the true Emissary ad future of Bajor. They Akorem back into the past fully healed, but with no memory of what happened. Sisko becomes much more comfortable with his Emissary role now that he knows what would happen without his guidance.

The B-story involves o’Brien adjusting to having his family back. The character is somewhat diminished here. He does not seem very happy to learn he is going to be a father again. It appears he would rather hang out with Bashir than his family. He even sees to long for his bachelor days, a point the vehemently denied back in ’Hippocratic Oath.” While o’Brien is not my favorite character by any stretch, I am comfortable with him more as the straitlaced family man than someone who still has wild oats to sow. He was not presented well here at all.

But otherwise, I liked “Accession.” I am betting this is one I like now more than I did when it first aired. Easy to speculate, since I had completely forgotten it.

Rating: *** (out of 5)

It is Kirsten Dunst's 28th Birthday

It is Kirsten Dunst's 28th Birthday


Happy Friday from a couple of free-loving toothbrushes! Hopefully you can all re-enact this picture tonight.



Thursday, April 29, 2010

Illegal Immigrants Plan to Leave Over Arizona Law

Do not let the doorknob hit you on the way out.

Wait--you are here illegally. Go ahead and let it smack you once for good measure.

Illegal Immigrants Plan to Leave Over Arizona Law

Do not let the doorknob hit you on the way out.

Wait--you are here illegally. Go ahead and let it smack you once for good measure.

Barack Obama: "I Do Believe at a Some Point, You've Made Enough Money."

Barack Obama went off te teleprompter for a bit in Quincy, Illinois, and revealed a bit more about himself than i think he wanted to:The money--irony intended--quote:
We’re not, we’re not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success that’s fairly earned. I mean, I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money. But, you know, part of the American way is, you know, you can just keep on making it if you’re providing a good product or providing good service. We don’t want people to stop, ah, fulfilling the core responsibilities of the financial system to help grow our economy.
I assume Obama’s handlers have ripped out large chunks of their own hair by now. Someone needs to sit him down and explain to him Saul Alinsky’s theory was to appear to be a moderate while stealthly pursuing a radical agenda, not showing your true colors right away. He will need more than a teleprompter to keep him on message I the future.

It is no one’s responsibility to tell you when you have made enough money. Not that there is such a thing as making too much. You earned it, it is yours. The view point that there is a limit to how much one should make is a statistt one. I have a difficult time believing so many people were suckered into electing a president who believes such a thing.

Barack Obama: "I Do Believe at a Some Point, You've Made Enough Money."

Barack Obama went off te teleprompter for a bit in Quincy, Illinois, and revealed a bit more about himself than i think he wanted to:The money--irony intended--quote:
We’re not, we’re not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success that’s fairly earned. I mean, I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money. But, you know, part of the American way is, you know, you can just keep on making it if you’re providing a good product or providing good service. We don’t want people to stop, ah, fulfilling the core responsibilities of the financial system to help grow our economy.
I assume Obama’s handlers have ripped out large chunks of their own hair by now. Someone needs to sit him down and explain to him Saul Alinsky’s theory was to appear to be a moderate while stealthly pursuing a radical agenda, not showing your true colors right away. He will need more than a teleprompter to keep him on message I the future.

It is no one’s responsibility to tell you when you have made enough money. Not that there is such a thing as making too much. You earned it, it is yours. The view point that there is a limit to how much one should make is a statistt one. I have a difficult time believing so many people were suckered into electing a president who believes such a thing.

Deep Space Nine--"Bar Association"

My personal bias is going to shine brightly in reviewing “Bar Association.” Fair or not, I have the natural Southern aversion to labor unions. The whole concept is nothing but yankee agitators coming down here ad putting ideas in Sally Fields’ head. There is nothing we Southerners like better than arrogant Yankees advising us on what we are doing wrong. Foe those of you unfortunate enough to be born on the wrong side of the Mason-Dixon, you can despise the episode for its communist themes. When organizing the workers at Quark’s into a union, Rom quotes Karl Marx--”Workers of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!”


Bashir plays the yankee agitator here when Rom collapses in the bar with a massive ear infection he never had time to treat. The doctor insists Rom demand vacation time and better working conditions. Quark dismisses the call, so Rom and the others form a union and eventually go on strike. Neither concept is acceptable in Ferengi culture. Because of this, the Ferengi Commerce Association brings in heavies to break up the situation.

The regular cast members take sides in the dispute when they have to decide whether to respect the union’s boycott of Quark’s. O’Brien, Bashir, and Sisko support the union, though Sisko does so tacitly. Worf has no qualms breaking the boycott. I would almost consider that the usual trek case of aliens doing the ’wrong” thing while humans are always on the side of angels, but here it fits in with the B-story of Worf’s frustration with life on the station. He will move to the Defiant by the end of the episode.

After getting beaten up by some of the FCA’s hired goons, Quark decides to give in to demands, but only if the union dissolves. Rom agrees, resigns as head of the union, and then joins the engineering crew rather than go back to his job as a waiter. All returns to relative normal.
Rom’s character development is the only bright spot in “Bar Association.” He has never been a favorite character, but but he is being built up and put in position to take on an important role for the Dominion War which would not have been plausible before. So kudos for that. Bemusement, however, for the outlandish idea that he and Leeta will eventual fall in love. The seeds of their romance our sown here as they lead the union.

“Quark episodes are hit and miss. When they hit they are great. When they miss, they are serious duds. “Bar Association” is a serious dud. I am certain many fans with more progressive leanings think differently, but there is too much Marx in it for me. I do enjoy the idea of a bunch of wealthy Hollywood screenwriters urging the oppressed to rebel against management, however. It is all part of that fantasy world wealthy progressives without a hint of irony or rationality live in.

Rating: * (out of 5)

Deep Space Nine--"Bar Association"

My personal bias is going to shine brightly in reviewing “Bar Association.” Fair or not, I have the natural Southern aversion to labor unions. The whole concept is nothing but yankee agitators coming down here ad putting ideas in Sally Fields’ head. There is nothing we Southerners like better than arrogant Yankees advising us on what we are doing wrong. Foe those of you unfortunate enough to be born on the wrong side of the Mason-Dixon, you can despise the episode for its communist themes. When organizing the workers at Quark’s into a union, Rom quotes Karl Marx--”Workers of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!”


Bashir plays the yankee agitator here when Rom collapses in the bar with a massive ear infection he never had time to treat. The doctor insists Rom demand vacation time and better working conditions. Quark dismisses the call, so Rom and the others form a union and eventually go on strike. Neither concept is acceptable in Ferengi culture. Because of this, the Ferengi Commerce Association brings in heavies to break up the situation.

The regular cast members take sides in the dispute when they have to decide whether to respect the union’s boycott of Quark’s. O’Brien, Bashir, and Sisko support the union, though Sisko does so tacitly. Worf has no qualms breaking the boycott. I would almost consider that the usual trek case of aliens doing the ’wrong” thing while humans are always on the side of angels, but here it fits in with the B-story of Worf’s frustration with life on the station. He will move to the Defiant by the end of the episode.

After getting beaten up by some of the FCA’s hired goons, Quark decides to give in to demands, but only if the union dissolves. Rom agrees, resigns as head of the union, and then joins the engineering crew rather than go back to his job as a waiter. All returns to relative normal.
Rom’s character development is the only bright spot in “Bar Association.” He has never been a favorite character, but but he is being built up and put in position to take on an important role for the Dominion War which would not have been plausible before. So kudos for that. Bemusement, however, for the outlandish idea that he and Leeta will eventual fall in love. The seeds of their romance our sown here as they lead the union.

“Quark episodes are hit and miss. When they hit they are great. When they miss, they are serious duds. “Bar Association” is a serious dud. I am certain many fans with more progressive leanings think differently, but there is too much Marx in it for me. I do enjoy the idea of a bunch of wealthy Hollywood screenwriters urging the oppressed to rebel against management, however. It is all part of that fantasy world wealthy progressives without a hint of irony or rationality live in.

Rating: * (out of 5)

Jessica Simpson

Jessica Simpson

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Charlie Crist Will Run as an Independent

I am not surprised to hear Charlie Crist is going to run for the Senate as an independent. His decision was pretty obvious the moment he said he would announce his answer publicly on Thursday. He will make it official tomorrow.

What I cannot see is his strategy. There is no compelling reason for him to mout an independent campaign other than to suit his bruised ego for certainly losing the GOP nod to Marco Rubio. There is no sense he is going to lose the nomination because petty, partisan politics like Joseph Lieberman. This is all about Charlie Crist being a sore loser.

It is not going to work. An independent run based on ego is not going to inspire enough people to support him even if he is currently popular among independents and Democrats. When it comes down to it, Democrats will abandon him for their party’s nominee and independents will fear voting for the man without a party will be throwing their vote away. At best, he will tip a close election to one of the two major party candidate who would probably lose if he were not running. There is a good way to win friend sad influence people in politics, no?

If any of my Florida readers care to weigh in, please do. I do not claim any particular insight ito Sunshine State politics, so I welcome yours.

Charlie Crist Will Run as an Independent

I am not surprised to hear Charlie Crist is going to run for the Senate as an independent. His decision was pretty obvious the moment he said he would announce his answer publicly on Thursday. He will make it official tomorrow.

What I cannot see is his strategy. There is no compelling reason for him to mout an independent campaign other than to suit his bruised ego for certainly losing the GOP nod to Marco Rubio. There is no sense he is going to lose the nomination because petty, partisan politics like Joseph Lieberman. This is all about Charlie Crist being a sore loser.

It is not going to work. An independent run based on ego is not going to inspire enough people to support him even if he is currently popular among independents and Democrats. When it comes down to it, Democrats will abandon him for their party’s nominee and independents will fear voting for the man without a party will be throwing their vote away. At best, he will tip a close election to one of the two major party candidate who would probably lose if he were not running. There is a good way to win friend sad influence people in politics, no?

If any of my Florida readers care to weigh in, please do. I do not claim any particular insight ito Sunshine State politics, so I welcome yours.

Barack Obama v. the Press: Is the Love Affair Over?

The heavy hand the Obama administration takes with the press has damaged the love affair. The president may wind up with only fawning media outlets like MSNBC on his side in short order. Who would wat keith olermann as their most prominent cheerleader?

The press is saying the White House is ultra sensitive to criticism and controlling of the narrative. The administration has pledged to be more cooperative, but an air of access for positive stories still remains. The message isclear--print what we want or the press does not get anything.

Obama is also, believe it or not, media shy when it comes to talking with reporters. He does so only about once a week. I suspect this is because his inner circle fears off the cuff remarks, such as the assertion the police acted “stupidly” in the Henry Gates case. The unwise comment on live, national television prompted the famous Beer Summit as a public relations stunt. The Beer Summit is now more of a joke than anything else. Obama’s inner circle surely wats to keep a similar scenario from occurring.

The press is said to be subject to all sorts of profane vitriol if any of them step out of lie. Treating the press that way is not the best method of paiting arosy picture for the public.

Nevertheless, I am skeptical much will come of it. When conservatives are o the attack, the press will rally around their guy. Remember how John McCain was the New York Times’ favorite Republican until he got the GOP no in 2008? They will abandon their personal issues in the name of progressivism when called upon to do so. Ideological loyalty trumps journalistic professionalism every time.

Barack Obama v. the Press: Is the Love Affair Over?

The heavy hand the Obama administration takes with the press has damaged the love affair. The president may wind up with only fawning media outlets like MSNBC on his side in short order. Who would wat keith olermann as their most prominent cheerleader?

The press is saying the White House is ultra sensitive to criticism and controlling of the narrative. The administration has pledged to be more cooperative, but an air of access for positive stories still remains. The message isclear--print what we want or the press does not get anything.

Obama is also, believe it or not, media shy when it comes to talking with reporters. He does so only about once a week. I suspect this is because his inner circle fears off the cuff remarks, such as the assertion the police acted “stupidly” in the Henry Gates case. The unwise comment on live, national television prompted the famous Beer Summit as a public relations stunt. The Beer Summit is now more of a joke than anything else. Obama’s inner circle surely wats to keep a similar scenario from occurring.

The press is said to be subject to all sorts of profane vitriol if any of them step out of lie. Treating the press that way is not the best method of paiting arosy picture for the public.

Nevertheless, I am skeptical much will come of it. When conservatives are o the attack, the press will rally around their guy. Remember how John McCain was the New York Times’ favorite Republican until he got the GOP no in 2008? They will abandon their personal issues in the name of progressivism when called upon to do so. Ideological loyalty trumps journalistic professionalism every time.

Deep Space Nine--"Sons of Mogh"

I do not generally agree with the progressive utopian philosophy of Trek in general, so there is a running agree to disagree element politically between the two of us. As with any opposites attract friendship, conflicts do arise periodically. Less often, I find a moral or spiritual disagreement that irks me far more than any political issue. Such has happened twice so far in DS9. The first was in “Visionary,” because the concept of the soul was dismissed as one O’Brien casually died in order to be replaced by another, nine minutes older version. The second is in “Sons of Mogh.”

Worf’s brother, Kurn, arrives on DS9 in dire straits. Thanks to Worf not supporting the invasion of Cardassia, his family has been dishonored. Kurn has lost everything, not the least of which is his seat on the High Council. He requests Worf kill him in a ritualistic murder so hecan die with honor. Worf accommodates him.

But Kurn survives and recovers. In spite of Worf’s protests it is a matter of Klingon belief, Sisko forbids him fro attempting to kill his brother again. Instead, Kurn must try to find a purpose. He unhappily becomes one of Odo’s deputies, but it is clear after a serious incident with a smuggler he has a death wish. Indeed, Kuen is contemplating suicide even though it would be a dishonorable death.

So Worf decides to have Bashir alter his appearance and DNA structure, as well as erase his memory, so he can assume another identity as the son of a family friend.

There is so much wrong with that, I do not know where to begin.

Forcibly erasing someone’s identity, even in the name of helping them, is grossly unethical. It is a living death which I cannot imagine anyone on Ds9 thinks is better than stabbing Kurn to death again. There are reams of studies discussing the ethics of using thought reform--a kinder, gentler term for brainwashing--in psychology. Completely altering someone is miles beyond that and no one blinked about the morality of it. Klingon beliefs or not, that is cruel.

We also are lead to assume Bashir went along with the idea without question. No doctor would ever do such a thing and keep his license to practice. Again, I do not care what Klingon beliefs say. Bashir’s personal ethics would keep him from performing the procedure. He is acting horribly out of character.

Speaking of acting horribly, Worf denies having any family when asked by Kurn’s newself if he does. Poor Alexander. Worf is one sorry father. He does not een think about his only child, but he is flirting with Dax as of this episode. The guy is a cad.

The -story involves O’Brien and Kira disarming a cloaked minefield near the Cardassian/Bajoran border. The story serves solely to introduce us to the concept of invisible mines and the process of detonating them will play a big part in the series when the wormhole is mined at the start of the Dominion War.

It goes without saying the fate of Kurn ruined the episode for me. It is not that I am a fan of Kurn--I could not care less about him, truth be told--but I cannot get passed the ethics of what happened to him. The solution to Kurn’s dishonor was a crutch at best, horrifying at worst. Deep Space Nie is the edgy Trek. I get that. But it wet too far over the line this time. What was Ronald D. Moore thinking?

Rating: * (out of 5)

Deep Space Nine--"Sons of Mogh"

I do not generally agree with the progressive utopian philosophy of Trek in general, so there is a running agree to disagree element politically between the two of us. As with any opposites attract friendship, conflicts do arise periodically. Less often, I find a moral or spiritual disagreement that irks me far more than any political issue. Such has happened twice so far in DS9. The first was in “Visionary,” because the concept of the soul was dismissed as one O’Brien casually died in order to be replaced by another, nine minutes older version. The second is in “Sons of Mogh.”

Worf’s brother, Kurn, arrives on DS9 in dire straits. Thanks to Worf not supporting the invasion of Cardassia, his family has been dishonored. Kurn has lost everything, not the least of which is his seat on the High Council. He requests Worf kill him in a ritualistic murder so hecan die with honor. Worf accommodates him.

But Kurn survives and recovers. In spite of Worf’s protests it is a matter of Klingon belief, Sisko forbids him fro attempting to kill his brother again. Instead, Kurn must try to find a purpose. He unhappily becomes one of Odo’s deputies, but it is clear after a serious incident with a smuggler he has a death wish. Indeed, Kuen is contemplating suicide even though it would be a dishonorable death.

So Worf decides to have Bashir alter his appearance and DNA structure, as well as erase his memory, so he can assume another identity as the son of a family friend.

There is so much wrong with that, I do not know where to begin.

Forcibly erasing someone’s identity, even in the name of helping them, is grossly unethical. It is a living death which I cannot imagine anyone on Ds9 thinks is better than stabbing Kurn to death again. There are reams of studies discussing the ethics of using thought reform--a kinder, gentler term for brainwashing--in psychology. Completely altering someone is miles beyond that and no one blinked about the morality of it. Klingon beliefs or not, that is cruel.

We also are lead to assume Bashir went along with the idea without question. No doctor would ever do such a thing and keep his license to practice. Again, I do not care what Klingon beliefs say. Bashir’s personal ethics would keep him from performing the procedure. He is acting horribly out of character.

Speaking of acting horribly, Worf denies having any family when asked by Kurn’s newself if he does. Poor Alexander. Worf is one sorry father. He does not een think about his only child, but he is flirting with Dax as of this episode. The guy is a cad.

The -story involves O’Brien and Kira disarming a cloaked minefield near the Cardassian/Bajoran border. The story serves solely to introduce us to the concept of invisible mines and the process of detonating them will play a big part in the series when the wormhole is mined at the start of the Dominion War.

It goes without saying the fate of Kurn ruined the episode for me. It is not that I am a fan of Kurn--I could not care less about him, truth be told--but I cannot get passed the ethics of what happened to him. The solution to Kurn’s dishonor was a crutch at best, horrifying at worst. Deep Space Nie is the edgy Trek. I get that. But it wet too far over the line this time. What was Ronald D. Moore thinking?

Rating: * (out of 5)


I've had a lot of new readers join the mix, so just wanted to throw this out there for you.  This picture pretty well sums up my thoughts on any negative feedback from the idiots out there.  If you are offended by anything here, I apologize for you being a loser.

That said, those of you who have been sending grade A material, keep of the good work.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Olivia Munn Gets Naked for Circus Elephants

Olivia Munn, best known as either the geek diva or Chris Pine’s cast off, participated in a PETA protest rally on Monday against the use of circus elephants. The protest occurred on the same day as her billboard for the cause was unveiled. As you can see, she got naked for it.

It looks like she wore leather boots to the protest:How well does that go over at a PETA organized event?

Why Olivia Munn? Has PETA lost all credibility with even passably recognizable celebrities? Munn’s sole claim to fame is that she just is pretty enough to get science fiction and video game geeks to pay attention to her. She is Kate Gosselin with a nasty Vulcan nerve pinch.

She is not a favorite among that crowd, either, much less the public as a whole. She will never hit mainstream popularity. so who is the target audience here?

Olivia Munn Gets Naked for Circus Elephants

Olivia Munn, best known as either the geek diva or Chris Pine’s cast off, participated in a PETA protest rally on Monday against the use of circus elephants. The protest occurred on the same day as her billboard for the cause was unveiled. As you can see, she got naked for it.

It looks like she wore leather boots to the protest:How well does that go over at a PETA organized event?

Why Olivia Munn? Has PETA lost all credibility with even passably recognizable celebrities? Munn’s sole claim to fame is that she just is pretty enough to get science fiction and video game geeks to pay attention to her. She is Kate Gosselin with a nasty Vulcan nerve pinch.

She is not a favorite among that crowd, either, much less the public as a whole. She will never hit mainstream popularity. so who is the target audience here?

Independent Payment Advisory Board and Healthcare Rationing

If you are still skeptical whether the goal of ObamaCare is healthcare rationing, here is your proof. The Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) is specifically set up to ration healthcare even though ObamaCare supporters denied it.

The big problem is changing IPAB’s decisions--it is impossible because of a lack of accountability. The members are permanent and unselected with no oversight. Its rulings became law automatically unless overturned by a 67 vote supermajority in the senate. That is an incredibly difficult umber to reach even on a vote with bipartisan appeal.

The IPAB is a death panel any way you slice it. It will decide certain medical procedures are too expensive to pay for certain patients. The IPAB will be a distant, cold panel of disinterested bureaucrats casually ruling on matters of life and death with only the bottom line in mind. Anyone suffering from their decisions has only the remote hope the senate can muster a supermajority in their favor. Good luck with that.

I have to reiterate yet again--what kid of person would want to serve on something like the IPAB?

Independent Payment Advisory Board and Healthcare Rationing

If you are still skeptical whether the goal of ObamaCare is healthcare rationing, here is your proof. The Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) is specifically set up to ration healthcare even though ObamaCare supporters denied it.

The big problem is changing IPAB’s decisions--it is impossible because of a lack of accountability. The members are permanent and unselected with no oversight. Its rulings became law automatically unless overturned by a 67 vote supermajority in the senate. That is an incredibly difficult umber to reach even on a vote with bipartisan appeal.

The IPAB is a death panel any way you slice it. It will decide certain medical procedures are too expensive to pay for certain patients. The IPAB will be a distant, cold panel of disinterested bureaucrats casually ruling on matters of life and death with only the bottom line in mind. Anyone suffering from their decisions has only the remote hope the senate can muster a supermajority in their favor. Good luck with that.

I have to reiterate yet again--what kid of person would want to serve on something like the IPAB?

Wherein I Address a Progressive's Rant on the Arizona Illegal Immigrant Law

I have not taken on a progressive blogger in a while. The last time I did was over a progressive’s support for the reinstating of the Honduran dictator. That post prompted a whiny, insulting personal correspondence which I will be more than happy to reproduce should he show up now to say differently and his voting down my rating at blog Catalogue. I generally loathe to engage in internet drama, but every now and then you have to fight a battle to keep from getting rusty. We shall see if the maturity level of progressive counter argument can improve with Electric Cerebrectomy.

He posted a rant earlier today called Fascist Arizona. Let us have a look, shall we?
What else do you call it but fascism?
Enforcing immigration policy would be a more accurate description. Arresting and deporting illegal immigrants is a valid law enforcement concern. It goes without saying illegals have to be identified first, no?
A new law in Arizona requires resident aliens to hand over documentation to police officers who demand them. The police are required to demand documentation of anyone they suspect of being in the country illegally for any reason. In other words: breathing while Latino.
i am afraid you are wrong. the Arizona law requires a justifiable stop and detention before an officer can request to see papers. the procedure is no different than a police officers taking your driver's license to check for outstanding warrants after he pulls you over for a speeding ticket. The individual has to be in detention of law enforcement because of some legitimate crime.

I guarantee this law has been drafted to survive judicial scrutiny. "Reasonable suspicion" has been well defined by case law, as are other statutory terms like "lawful contact." This is a carefully drafted law.

On a related note, the US Code requires legal immigrants to carry documentation proving they are citizens. failure to do so can bring a fine of up to $100, thirty days in jail, or both.

SamuraiFrog goes on for a couple paragraphs based on his lack of understanding about the law. gung ho, racist cops harassing brown people for no reason, Nazi police state..all that rot. he finally gets to more substance in a bit:
My question is, how can any Americans support this? If a law was enacted that all Americans would have to show their papers on the request of any official, or when leaving any state for another, how would the majority of Americans react?
Apples and oranges. The Arizona law is targeting people are not Americans. Yet the law requires another legal reason to detain an individual before authorities can ask to see citizenship papers. Simply traveling from one state does not qualify as a valid reason.

SamuraiFrog then rants a bit more about polls showing public support for the law at 60% nationwide and 79% (!!) in his enlightened, native Chicago proving Americans are hopelessly racist. Then he inexplicably pulls the Tea Party into it:
And where are the Teabaggers during all this? They love the Constitution and small government, or so they say. They're for the rights of the individual and fear the overreach of big federal government, right?
the law has yet to be ruled unconstitutional and Arizona is not the federal government. it has been a state since 1912.
Hell, even John McCain was asking the President to order 3,000 National Guard troops to Arizona--with an additional 3,000 Border Patrol--to ease the workload on the police. So there's your 2008 Republican candidate for US President, hero of the Teabaggers, begging the supposedly socialist president for federal troops to help keep brown people in their place. Yes, I can see his hatred of big government, can't you.
SauraiFrog lost me somewhere between declaring the Tea Party loves John McCain and McCain loves small government.

The following couple paragraphs is just a rat about how racist the tea party is. No evidence offered. just an attack:
Oh and, of course, Teabaggers are racists. Have to take that into account.

Because as long as it's not white people getting harassed by the law, they support it. They support it because they believe everything they've read in a chain email about the supposed cost of illegal immigrants, and they're stupid enough to let their leaders turn them on each other.
And the topper:
As long as the poor continue to fight against the poor, nothing in this country will ever change.
Imagined racism deserves a 500 word rant on its evils, but class warfare? That is just good policy. I am still kind of fuzzy where the whole Tea Party thig came in to immigration law, but okay. perhaps he believes conservatives like McCain's pandering to them.

I have to assume SamuraiFrog here believes the Tea Party is racist because it is protesting Barack Obama’s vast expansion of government. It is an assumption that speaks volumes about the progressive obsession with race. Apparently, you cannot criticize a black president for his policies solely because he is a black man. I doubt there will be any progressive criticism regarding Obama’s announced strategy for the 2010 election to play the race card in order to solidify the black and Latino vote.

A president stirring up racial tensions in a cheap ploy for votes versus enforcing a legitimate law to arrest illegal immigrants? Come on.

That was fun. I would like to have found a progressive rat about the new law with more substance, but this one struck me as crying out for response even though it lacks in facts or reason. Every now and then, you need to interrupt the progressive circle jerk with some facts and reality. Not to mention sometimes you just have to marvel some people think this way.

Wherein I Address a Progressive's Rant on the Arizona Illegal Immigrant Law

I have not taken on a progressive blogger in a while. The last time I did was over a progressive’s support for the reinstating of the Honduran dictator. That post prompted a whiny, insulting personal correspondence which I will be more than happy to reproduce should he show up now to say differently and his voting down my rating at blog Catalogue. I generally loathe to engage in internet drama, but every now and then you have to fight a battle to keep from getting rusty. We shall see if the maturity level of progressive counter argument can improve with Electric Cerebrectomy.

He posted a rant earlier today called Fascist Arizona. Let us have a look, shall we?
What else do you call it but fascism?
Enforcing immigration policy would be a more accurate description. Arresting and deporting illegal immigrants is a valid law enforcement concern. It goes without saying illegals have to be identified first, no?
A new law in Arizona requires resident aliens to hand over documentation to police officers who demand them. The police are required to demand documentation of anyone they suspect of being in the country illegally for any reason. In other words: breathing while Latino.
i am afraid you are wrong. the Arizona law requires a justifiable stop and detention before an officer can request to see papers. the procedure is no different than a police officers taking your driver's license to check for outstanding warrants after he pulls you over for a speeding ticket. The individual has to be in detention of law enforcement because of some legitimate crime.

I guarantee this law has been drafted to survive judicial scrutiny. "Reasonable suspicion" has been well defined by case law, as are other statutory terms like "lawful contact." This is a carefully drafted law.

On a related note, the US Code requires legal immigrants to carry documentation proving they are citizens. failure to do so can bring a fine of up to $100, thirty days in jail, or both.

SamuraiFrog goes on for a couple paragraphs based on his lack of understanding about the law. gung ho, racist cops harassing brown people for no reason, Nazi police state..all that rot. he finally gets to more substance in a bit:
My question is, how can any Americans support this? If a law was enacted that all Americans would have to show their papers on the request of any official, or when leaving any state for another, how would the majority of Americans react?
Apples and oranges. The Arizona law is targeting people are not Americans. Yet the law requires another legal reason to detain an individual before authorities can ask to see citizenship papers. Simply traveling from one state does not qualify as a valid reason.

SamuraiFrog then rants a bit more about polls showing public support for the law at 60% nationwide and 79% (!!) in his enlightened, native Chicago proving Americans are hopelessly racist. Then he inexplicably pulls the Tea Party into it:
And where are the Teabaggers during all this? They love the Constitution and small government, or so they say. They're for the rights of the individual and fear the overreach of big federal government, right?
the law has yet to be ruled unconstitutional and Arizona is not the federal government. it has been a state since 1912.
Hell, even John McCain was asking the President to order 3,000 National Guard troops to Arizona--with an additional 3,000 Border Patrol--to ease the workload on the police. So there's your 2008 Republican candidate for US President, hero of the Teabaggers, begging the supposedly socialist president for federal troops to help keep brown people in their place. Yes, I can see his hatred of big government, can't you.
SauraiFrog lost me somewhere between declaring the Tea Party loves John McCain and McCain loves small government.

The following couple paragraphs is just a rat about how racist the tea party is. No evidence offered. just an attack:
Oh and, of course, Teabaggers are racists. Have to take that into account.

Because as long as it's not white people getting harassed by the law, they support it. They support it because they believe everything they've read in a chain email about the supposed cost of illegal immigrants, and they're stupid enough to let their leaders turn them on each other.
And the topper:
As long as the poor continue to fight against the poor, nothing in this country will ever change.
Imagined racism deserves a 500 word rant on its evils, but class warfare? That is just good policy. I am still kind of fuzzy where the whole Tea Party thig came in to immigration law, but okay. perhaps he believes conservatives like McCain's pandering to them.

I have to assume SamuraiFrog here believes the Tea Party is racist because it is protesting Barack Obama’s vast expansion of government. It is an assumption that speaks volumes about the progressive obsession with race. Apparently, you cannot criticize a black president for his policies solely because he is a black man. I doubt there will be any progressive criticism regarding Obama’s announced strategy for the 2010 election to play the race card in order to solidify the black and Latino vote.

A president stirring up racial tensions in a cheap ploy for votes versus enforcing a legitimate law to arrest illegal immigrants? Come on.

That was fun. I would like to have found a progressive rat about the new law with more substance, but this one struck me as crying out for response even though it lacks in facts or reason. Every now and then, you need to interrupt the progressive circle jerk with some facts and reality. Not to mention sometimes you just have to marvel some people think this way.

Cybermen v. Daleks in Doctor Who Finale?

Digital Spy recently interviewed monster voice actor Nick Briggs. He not only confirms the Cybermen will return for the finale, but so wil the Daleks.

The news is a further reneging of Steven Moffat’s early assertion he would not be using many classic villains because he wanted to create nostalgia for the future, not rehashing old characters for longtime fans. It was almost immediately speculated the BBC would force Moffat to reconsider. I have no idea if that is the root cause, but with the new colors of the rainbow Daleks having already appeared and the Cybermen central to the season’s story arc, Moffat’s moratorium on using old enemies is obviously off the table.

Rumors have been the cracks I reality that have appeared in every fifth season episode so far are going to allow the Cybrus Industry Cybermen trapped there in ’”Doomsday” come through to our reality. Or perhaps those from ’The Next doctor’ will crawl out of their graves. Maybe both. But word is they will engage in conflict with our universe’s Cybermen.

Where do the Daleks fit I? Many were trapped like the Cybrus Industries’ Cybermen in “Doomsaday.” They must be comig through the cracks I reality as well. Maybe that will mean those rainbow Daleks are not long for this world. I can dream, can I not?

Or is Briggs given us misdirection? I have a tough time believing a voice actor would do that. More than likely he is overstepping his bounds and talking about a script he should not be talking about. Or maybe the revelation isall part of building up hype. I donot know, but I am curious to see Moffat’s take on the doctor’s most major villains.

Cybermen v. Daleks in Doctor Who Finale?

Digital Spy recently interviewed monster voice actor Nick Briggs. He not only confirms the Cybermen will return for the finale, but so wil the Daleks.

The news is a further reneging of Steven Moffat’s early assertion he would not be using many classic villains because he wanted to create nostalgia for the future, not rehashing old characters for longtime fans. It was almost immediately speculated the BBC would force Moffat to reconsider. I have no idea if that is the root cause, but with the new colors of the rainbow Daleks having already appeared and the Cybermen central to the season’s story arc, Moffat’s moratorium on using old enemies is obviously off the table.

Rumors have been the cracks I reality that have appeared in every fifth season episode so far are going to allow the Cybrus Industry Cybermen trapped there in ’”Doomsday” come through to our reality. Or perhaps those from ’The Next doctor’ will crawl out of their graves. Maybe both. But word is they will engage in conflict with our universe’s Cybermen.

Where do the Daleks fit I? Many were trapped like the Cybrus Industries’ Cybermen in “Doomsaday.” They must be comig through the cracks I reality as well. Maybe that will mean those rainbow Daleks are not long for this world. I can dream, can I not?

Or is Briggs given us misdirection? I have a tough time believing a voice actor would do that. More than likely he is overstepping his bounds and talking about a script he should not be talking about. Or maybe the revelation isall part of building up hype. I donot know, but I am curious to see Moffat’s take on the doctor’s most major villains.


This video confirms what we all already knew, but at least the women are finally admitting it. Unlike the ladies out there, I am in a dry and choosy spell. It probably doesn't help that I would definitely get the shit kicked out of me in the special olympics. That said, just any woman of the street can't have the privilege of spending a night, or a couple minutes, with this guy.



I'm not really sure why Mark Ingram gets a highway named after him, and I get nothing. I donated $500 to Flint Schools last year and didn't get even a dead-end named after me. Seems like I am doing a better job of getting the Flint name out there than he is, even if posts about hometown events are few and far between.

Mark Ingram already has a Heisman Trophy and a national championship. He might soon have a stretch of highway named after him in Flint.
A bill pending in the Michigan Legislature would designate a stretch of Interstate 475 through Flint the "Mark Ingram Memorial Highway."
Ingram went to high school at Flint Southwestern Academy.
He won the Heisman last season as a sophomore with Alabama, which beat Texas in the BCS national championship game.
The Senate Transportation Committee is scheduled to consider the bill designating the highway in Ingram's honor May 4. via 

Deep Space Nine--"Return to Grace"

“Return to Grace” is a direct sequel to “Indiscretion.” it improves on the Dukat/Kira relationship immensely from that episode. Here we see the two of them becoming much more intertwined, much to the delight of Dukat ad chagrin of Kira.

The backdrop of the story is the two of them are forced to track down a Klingon Bird-of-Prey which destroyed a joint Bajoran/Cardassian intelligence sharing conference they were on their way to attending. But that is a MacGuffin. What we really care about is about how Dukat and Kira are affecting one another personally.

Dukat has been demoted to freighter captain because of his illegitimate daughter, Ziyal. His wife has also left him. In his mind, that frees him up to pursue Kira romantically. She will have none of that, of course, but there is a vibe from Ziyal that she really wishes they would get along better. Kira agrees to dinner with Dukat with an almost maternal sigh of resignation. Think The Parent Trap here.

Kira does bond well with Ziyal because she sees much of herself in the young girl. But she cannot offer Duat the forgiveness Ziyal--and Dukat, for the moment--wants desperately. He is Adolf Eichman as far as she is concerned.

Nevertheless, Kira aides Dukat in pursuing the Bird-of-Prey. When the mission is all said and done, Dukat expresses his intention to serve as a resistance fighter against the Kligons as his people lay defeated before them. The history buff in me got a tingle as he said, “What Cardassians? I am the only Cardassian left,” echoing Souix Chief Sitting Bull’s statement at his being the only Indian left to not sign a peace treaty with the United states--”What Indians? There are no other Indians left but me.” Kira refuses to join his one man crusade, but offers to take Ziyal to DS9 with her. A lifeas a figitivwe is no life at all for a young girl.

Appreciate the juxtaposition: dukat has now become Kira--a freedom fighter desperately trying to save his people from overwhelming oppression. This is one of the first times a Cardassian begins to appreciate the concept of reaping what one has sown.. Damar, who makes his first appearance here, will come to a similar realization when the Dominion begin a scorched earth against his people for rebelling against them in the war’s endgame. By offering to watch over Ziyal, Kira has assumed a familial responsibility she has never had before. Family issued be everything to Cardassians, so I a way, she has become Dukat. Her true motivation is keeping Ziyal from becoming like her.

‘Return to grace’ was pitched as the idea of Nazi and Jews having to work together to face a common enemy, but that is not eve important to the story. I do not even care about the Klingons being hunted down. It is all about the growth of characters. You do not see such a thing done in Trek period, much less as well as is done here. The subtlety in which Dukat and kira trade places in life is quite brilliant. Usually, Trek would beat you over the head with such, so savor the stealth while you can.

Rating: *** (out of 5)

Deep Space Nine--"Return to Grace"

“Return to Grace” is a direct sequel to “Indiscretion.” it improves on the Dukat/Kira relationship immensely from that episode. Here we see the two of them becoming much more intertwined, much to the delight of Dukat ad chagrin of Kira.

The backdrop of the story is the two of them are forced to track down a Klingon Bird-of-Prey which destroyed a joint Bajoran/Cardassian intelligence sharing conference they were on their way to attending. But that is a MacGuffin. What we really care about is about how Dukat and Kira are affecting one another personally.

Dukat has been demoted to freighter captain because of his illegitimate daughter, Ziyal. His wife has also left him. In his mind, that frees him up to pursue Kira romantically. She will have none of that, of course, but there is a vibe from Ziyal that she really wishes they would get along better. Kira agrees to dinner with Dukat with an almost maternal sigh of resignation. Think The Parent Trap here.

Kira does bond well with Ziyal because she sees much of herself in the young girl. But she cannot offer Duat the forgiveness Ziyal--and Dukat, for the moment--wants desperately. He is Adolf Eichman as far as she is concerned.

Nevertheless, Kira aides Dukat in pursuing the Bird-of-Prey. When the mission is all said and done, Dukat expresses his intention to serve as a resistance fighter against the Kligons as his people lay defeated before them. The history buff in me got a tingle as he said, “What Cardassians? I am the only Cardassian left,” echoing Souix Chief Sitting Bull’s statement at his being the only Indian left to not sign a peace treaty with the United states--”What Indians? There are no other Indians left but me.” Kira refuses to join his one man crusade, but offers to take Ziyal to DS9 with her. A lifeas a figitivwe is no life at all for a young girl.

Appreciate the juxtaposition: dukat has now become Kira--a freedom fighter desperately trying to save his people from overwhelming oppression. This is one of the first times a Cardassian begins to appreciate the concept of reaping what one has sown.. Damar, who makes his first appearance here, will come to a similar realization when the Dominion begin a scorched earth against his people for rebelling against them in the war’s endgame. By offering to watch over Ziyal, Kira has assumed a familial responsibility she has never had before. Family issued be everything to Cardassians, so I a way, she has become Dukat. Her true motivation is keeping Ziyal from becoming like her.

‘Return to grace’ was pitched as the idea of Nazi and Jews having to work together to face a common enemy, but that is not eve important to the story. I do not even care about the Klingons being hunted down. It is all about the growth of characters. You do not see such a thing done in Trek period, much less as well as is done here. The subtlety in which Dukat and kira trade places in life is quite brilliant. Usually, Trek would beat you over the head with such, so savor the stealth while you can.

Rating: *** (out of 5)

Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston

Monday, April 26, 2010



To be honest, I don't have anything all that witty to say about this, but it was too good of a picture to pass on posting. Two hot chicks in bed? Yeah that's gonna need to go up. I'd be creeping from a window across the street too. Nikon is a pretty smart company.

Facebook Made Me Add a Widget to the Eye

My RSS feed had been simultaneously publishing posts on my Facebook page, but I noticed earlier the feed conked out on me a few days ago. I am not certain whether it is wobbly Blogspot or face book’s fault, but since I was not using that fandangled NteworkBlogs widget everyone is now using, I figure this is how face book is getting back at me for me.

Never let it be said I will not appease my internet overlords. I signed up for Facebook against my will, too. I am now using the NetworkedBlogs application. There is a widget about halfway down the left hand column of the E ye in which, assuming you have been ensnared by Facebook as well, you may become a follower at the click of a button. I had to put it on my blog in order to prove I have administrative access and get the feed published again. Devious, no?

Following the Eye not subject you to spam or any commitment to read the eye on any regular basis. The widget just looks pitiful right now with only four followers. Thanks in advance for helping out.

Facebook Made Me Add a Widget to the Eye

My RSS feed had been simultaneously publishing posts on my Facebook page, but I noticed earlier the feed conked out on me a few days ago. I am not certain whether it is wobbly Blogspot or face book’s fault, but since I was not using that fandangled NteworkBlogs widget everyone is now using, I figure this is how face book is getting back at me for me.

Never let it be said I will not appease my internet overlords. I signed up for Facebook against my will, too. I am now using the NetworkedBlogs application. There is a widget about halfway down the left hand column of the E ye in which, assuming you have been ensnared by Facebook as well, you may become a follower at the click of a button. I had to put it on my blog in order to prove I have administrative access and get the feed published again. Devious, no?

Following the Eye not subject you to spam or any commitment to read the eye on any regular basis. The widget just looks pitiful right now with only four followers. Thanks in advance for helping out.


Now you know, so don't fuck it up.


This may be the most disgusting and amazing thing in the history of mankind.


I recently introduced by iphone to the bottom of the toilet. Not only did it cause me to miss a flight to Cancun, it also sent me right back to the stone-age of cell phones. I am currently rockin' an old school phone that my brother got for free. I haven't had to text by pressing a button multiple times in years, and I really don't know how people do it. I would have given up on texting long ago if I had to constantly go through all of that bullshit each time. Thankfully I will be getting the new Droid Incredible in a few days, and I will be back on the cutting edge.


I'm pissed. I just spent two months pay buying a dinosaur to ride to work and then they pull some bullshit like this.

Democrats Demonizing Insurance Companies on Their Way to Implementing Single Payer

The most (bitterly) amusing part is that the problem of insurance rate hikes is of their own doing. Not that it was not all part of the plan to eventually implement a single payer system.

Here is the deal. Under ObamaCare, insurance companies are now required to cover people with preexisting conditions. Souds likea noble goal, but what is happening is that a bunch of people who automatically have medical expenses will be covered by insurance. The expenses incurred are more than the healthy policy holders are currently paying in so, so rates have to go up.

As you can see in the linked article, the rate hikes insurance companies are forced into under ObamaCare are now being demonized by democrats. Greedy insurance companies making all that profit of sick people--you know the drill. This is a carefully orchestrated process to bring about price controls.

Price controls will run a large number of insurance companies out of business while diminishing the quality of coverage for thefew that can stay in business. With health insurance falling because of price controls instituted by them, Democrats will suggest a public option as the solution.

When a public option is in place, employers will stop offering heath insurance as part of their employment packages since their workers can just enter the government plan at no expense to them other than the ridiculously high taxes we will have to have to cover it all. It is going to be a rip roaring expense, too, because at that point, we all we have single payer.

That was the plan all along. The left has to movea littlest time, but that is what they are going to do. At this point, it is going to be next to impossible to stop them without huge Republican gains in 2010 and 2012.

Democrats Demonizing Insurance Companies on Their Way to Implementing Single Payer

The most (bitterly) amusing part is that the problem of insurance rate hikes is of their own doing. Not that it was not all part of the plan to eventually implement a single payer system.

Here is the deal. Under ObamaCare, insurance companies are now required to cover people with preexisting conditions. Souds likea noble goal, but what is happening is that a bunch of people who automatically have medical expenses will be covered by insurance. The expenses incurred are more than the healthy policy holders are currently paying in so, so rates have to go up.

As you can see in the linked article, the rate hikes insurance companies are forced into under ObamaCare are now being demonized by democrats. Greedy insurance companies making all that profit of sick people--you know the drill. This is a carefully orchestrated process to bring about price controls.

Price controls will run a large number of insurance companies out of business while diminishing the quality of coverage for thefew that can stay in business. With health insurance falling because of price controls instituted by them, Democrats will suggest a public option as the solution.

When a public option is in place, employers will stop offering heath insurance as part of their employment packages since their workers can just enter the government plan at no expense to them other than the ridiculously high taxes we will have to have to cover it all. It is going to be a rip roaring expense, too, because at that point, we all we have single payer.

That was the plan all along. The left has to movea littlest time, but that is what they are going to do. At this point, it is going to be next to impossible to stop them without huge Republican gains in 2010 and 2012.

Economists Say the Stimulus Was a Failure

The stimulus has had no effect on the economic recovery according to a survey of economists.

Gee, did not see that coming, did you? You would have thought all those progressive pet projects would have amounted to something. Billions of dollars down the drain our grandchildren will have to pay for.

Seriously, though--check out the link for an analysis of why any signs of economic recovery--which are few and far between-- are not due to government spending.

Free market capitalism for the win!

Economists Say the Stimulus Was a Failure

The stimulus has had no effect on the economic recovery according to a survey of economists.

Gee, did not see that coming, did you? You would have thought all those progressive pet projects would have amounted to something. Billions of dollars down the drain our grandchildren will have to pay for.

Seriously, though--check out the link for an analysis of why any signs of economic recovery--which are few and far between-- are not due to government spending.

Free market capitalism for the win!

Barack Obama's 2010 Strategy: Play the Race Card

From our post-racial president:
"It will be up to each of you to make sure that the young people, African Americans, Latinos, and women, who powered our victory in 2008 stand together once again. If you help us do that – if you help us make sure that first-time voters in 2008 make their voices heard again in November – then together we will deliver on the promise of change, hope, and prosperity for generations to come.”
It has been well speculated that when Obama’s poll umbers dropped, particularly among the independents who gave him the edge in 2008, he would do two thing. One, pander to the radical base in order to shore up his most solid support. Two, play the race card to fire up minorities and play on white guilt.

There you have it. He is already putting the strategy in play and we are months away from just the 2010 midterm elections, much less his own reelection bid in 2012.

White men are your enemy. What an evil, jaded attitude for a president to encourage.

(Via: Ace of Spades.)

Barack Obama's 2010 Strategy: Play the Race Card

From our post-racial president:
"It will be up to each of you to make sure that the young people, African Americans, Latinos, and women, who powered our victory in 2008 stand together once again. If you help us do that – if you help us make sure that first-time voters in 2008 make their voices heard again in November – then together we will deliver on the promise of change, hope, and prosperity for generations to come.”
It has been well speculated that when Obama’s poll umbers dropped, particularly among the independents who gave him the edge in 2008, he would do two thing. One, pander to the radical base in order to shore up his most solid support. Two, play the race card to fire up minorities and play on white guilt.

There you have it. He is already putting the strategy in play and we are months away from just the 2010 midterm elections, much less his own reelection bid in 2012.

White men are your enemy. What an evil, jaded attitude for a president to encourage.

(Via: Ace of Spades.)

Deep Space Nine--"Crossfire"

We return to the pitiful infatuation Odo has for Kira once again. Like in “Heart of Stone,” Odo can barely hide his love for her. Kira not only never notices, but always says and does whatever would stomp on his heart the hardest. That is the way when you love someone you cannot have. In “Crossfire,” takes it to a new level. She not only falls I love with Shakaar, she celebrates her new happiness with Odo while he isassignedto serve as Shakaar’s bodyguard. Talk about a triple whammy.

“Crossfire” is Shakkar’s second appearance. He was Kira’s resistance cell leader who defied Winn’s breach of contract and refused to return farming equipmet in his first appearance, “Shakaar.” He became a folk hero as aresult and got himself elected head of the government. With power being the ultimate aphrodisiac, Kira has developed the hts for him just as a Cardassian terrorist group called theTrue Way targets him for assignation. Odo is placed in charge of his protection.

This is the second and final appearance of the True Way. They were the ones responsible for the bombing that forced the trasporter patterns of the main cast into the holodeck during ’Our Man Bashir.” Wewill never hear from them again after “Crossfire,” presumably because their goal of eliminating the Federation as an enermy vecomes government policy once theCardassians join the Dominion. Still it is awkward for the group to appear only twice, then disappear completely.

The main emphasis of the episode is on Odo. From the opening scene where he is setting up everything just right for a briefing with Kira to his tantrum when he realizes he cannot compete with Shakaar for her affection to the begrudging acceptance by the end it isall about odo’s pain.

There are a couple nice touches there. One, Quark talks to him in his lowest moment after he has destroyed much of his quarters in anger. The scene is a further revelation that their antagonistic relationship is one that fills a need within each other--they need each other as a challenge in their normal pursuits--but have a certain friendship regardless. It is probably a recognition they need each other. Two, Odo smashes his old bucket, I which he had placed floral arrangement given to him by Kira asa housewarming gift. It symbolized a passing of his old self. Now that has been shattered, figuratively and literally. He is as alienated as he ever was.

It is a tough struggle to watch. I have been I his shoes. In fact, it would only be a few months after “Crossfire” aired when I would realize that for me and my disabilities, harsh reality was always going to stand in the way of romance. Those were tough times. Heck, these are tough times that make those seem like casual growing pains. It never gets any easier, does it?

Odo was originally supposed to take things much harder. There was to be a moment when Shakaar and Kira were caught in an explosion. Odo could only save one. Would he choose the one he loves or the one he has sworn to protect? In this scenario, he chooses Shakaar--not out of uty, but spite for kira’s rejection. She would have survived, but that would have been even more of a downer ending than we got. There is a thin line between love and hate, but that would be taking odo to too dark a place for my tastes.

"Crossfire” is a tough episode for me to watch, but I like it regardless.

Rating: *** (out of 5)

Deep Space Nine--"Crossfire"

We return to the pitiful infatuation Odo has for Kira once again. Like in “Heart of Stone,” Odo can barely hide his love for her. Kira not only never notices, but always says and does whatever would stomp on his heart the hardest. That is the way when you love someone you cannot have. In “Crossfire,” takes it to a new level. She not only falls I love with Shakaar, she celebrates her new happiness with Odo while he isassignedto serve as Shakaar’s bodyguard. Talk about a triple whammy.

“Crossfire” is Shakkar’s second appearance. He was Kira’s resistance cell leader who defied Winn’s breach of contract and refused to return farming equipmet in his first appearance, “Shakaar.” He became a folk hero as aresult and got himself elected head of the government. With power being the ultimate aphrodisiac, Kira has developed the hts for him just as a Cardassian terrorist group called theTrue Way targets him for assignation. Odo is placed in charge of his protection.

This is the second and final appearance of the True Way. They were the ones responsible for the bombing that forced the trasporter patterns of the main cast into the holodeck during ’Our Man Bashir.” Wewill never hear from them again after “Crossfire,” presumably because their goal of eliminating the Federation as an enermy vecomes government policy once theCardassians join the Dominion. Still it is awkward for the group to appear only twice, then disappear completely.

The main emphasis of the episode is on Odo. From the opening scene where he is setting up everything just right for a briefing with Kira to his tantrum when he realizes he cannot compete with Shakaar for her affection to the begrudging acceptance by the end it isall about odo’s pain.

There are a couple nice touches there. One, Quark talks to him in his lowest moment after he has destroyed much of his quarters in anger. The scene is a further revelation that their antagonistic relationship is one that fills a need within each other--they need each other as a challenge in their normal pursuits--but have a certain friendship regardless. It is probably a recognition they need each other. Two, Odo smashes his old bucket, I which he had placed floral arrangement given to him by Kira asa housewarming gift. It symbolized a passing of his old self. Now that has been shattered, figuratively and literally. He is as alienated as he ever was.

It is a tough struggle to watch. I have been I his shoes. In fact, it would only be a few months after “Crossfire” aired when I would realize that for me and my disabilities, harsh reality was always going to stand in the way of romance. Those were tough times. Heck, these are tough times that make those seem like casual growing pains. It never gets any easier, does it?

Odo was originally supposed to take things much harder. There was to be a moment when Shakaar and Kira were caught in an explosion. Odo could only save one. Would he choose the one he loves or the one he has sworn to protect? In this scenario, he chooses Shakaar--not out of uty, but spite for kira’s rejection. She would have survived, but that would have been even more of a downer ending than we got. There is a thin line between love and hate, but that would be taking odo to too dark a place for my tastes.

"Crossfire” is a tough episode for me to watch, but I like it regardless.

Rating: *** (out of 5)

Mila Kunis

Mila Kunis


Politics....always a sexy party.


Finally there is a pro-drugs campaign going on. I'm sick of all these anti-drug commercials constantly* trying to convince me that my life will suddenly be over if I do drugs. Meth looks fucking awesome. Let's get some

*I haven't seen an anti-drug commercial in ages.


Someone please find me this shirt. I love carrying a lie around on my chest all day.


I haven't been out trying to find a girlfriend or anything, but somehow Lonely Island still managed to get a hold of my innermost thoughts about what I'm looking for in a girl.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Tim Tebow Smeared as Racist by Boston Radio Host

Progressives have previously targeted the devoutly Christian, Heisman Trophy winning quarterback earlier this year when he appeared in a couple pro-life Super Bowl commercials with his mother. His mother was advised to abort Tebow because of medication she was taking at the time. She obviously refused and the Denver Broncos’ newest quarterback is doin quite well.

That would be enough to raise the ire of progressives who apparently believe abortion should be the first option in just about any pregnancy, but Tebow has been a target of much ridicule beyond that, mostly because of his devotion to Christ. He tries to leavea moral life overtly following Christ’s commands. That is completely unacceptable to today’s progressives.

But this comment takes thecake. Fred “Toucher” Toettche said Tebow's draft party was "lily-white" and looked like a Nazi rally. Such a comment is not only completely uncalled for, but totally illogical. There is absolutely nothing about Tebow that even hints at his being a racist. This is the typical, unreasoned progressive attack--if all else fails, call him a racist.

It is a terribly sad comment that is what our culture has degraded to. A fine person who happens to hold moral beliefs is subject to ridicule and false accusations having nothing to do with those beliefs. I am sorry to say it is only going to get worse for Tebow.

Tim Tebow Smeared as Racist by Boston Radio Host

Progressives have previously targeted the devoutly Christian, Heisman Trophy winning quarterback earlier this year when he appeared in a couple pro-life Super Bowl commercials with his mother. His mother was advised to abort Tebow because of medication she was taking at the time. She obviously refused and the Denver Broncos’ newest quarterback is doin quite well.

That would be enough to raise the ire of progressives who apparently believe abortion should be the first option in just about any pregnancy, but Tebow has been a target of much ridicule beyond that, mostly because of his devotion to Christ. He tries to leavea moral life overtly following Christ’s commands. That is completely unacceptable to today’s progressives.

But this comment takes thecake. Fred “Toucher” Toettche said Tebow's draft party was "lily-white" and looked like a Nazi rally. Such a comment is not only completely uncalled for, but totally illogical. There is absolutely nothing about Tebow that even hints at his being a racist. This is the typical, unreasoned progressive attack--if all else fails, call him a racist.

It is a terribly sad comment that is what our culture has degraded to. A fine person who happens to hold moral beliefs is subject to ridicule and false accusations having nothing to do with those beliefs. I am sorry to say it is only going to get worse for Tebow.