Monday, March 8, 2004

Stigma? What Stigma?

JonBenet's Father May Run for Michigan House Seat No, I'm not accusing him of killing his daughter, but he hasn't helped his case any by being uncooperative in the investigation. He and his wife alwys struck me as being self-serving and emotionally shallow. You'd think reasonable people would not want he spotlight after that. Not Mr. Ramsey, apparently.

Am I being unfair here?

Sunday, March 7, 2004

At the Movies

Today is Alison's birthday. She wanted to see a movie to celebrate, so we did. We just got back from Starsky and Hutch. It's a fun movie, with quitea few belly laughs. Will Ferrell has a bit part, but it is the funniest scene. Wilson and Stiller make a pretty good pair, especially when they are playing it straight right alongside the outlandish Snoop Dogg. It was a neat way to spend an evening. Bittersweet, too, as these outing will soon end and we all go our separate ways.

Saturday, March 6, 2004

City of Angels=Cuervo Nation?

Los Angeles Ponders Selling Naming Rights: That's what I love about America: everything is for sale. Surprisingyl enough, L.A. would be following in the footsteps of New York City, which sold its rights to Snapple. I think there is a big difference between claiming Snapple as your city's official beverage and tequila, but, hey, it isn't my city. If itwere, I'd hold out for a heck of a lot more than $1 million--especially with a $250 million shortfall. I'll bet city councilmen swindle more than $1 million every year each. Geez, guys. Negotiate some, will ya?

Remember a name from this:Eric Garcetti. He'is the son of District Attorney Gil Garcetti, who survived Rodney King, the riots, and OJ, so you know the guy's got some political genes. He's also a Rhodes Scholar who's a shhining star in the Young Democrats. He may be a city councilman now, but you can tell he just oozes ambition. He'll be in Congress before the decade is out. Mark my words.

For the 'War of Northern Aggression' Buffs

Valley of the Shadow: This is a digital archive of primary sources that document the lives of people in Augusta County, Virginia, and Franklin County, Pennsylvania, during the era of the American Civil Wa. The Valley of the Shadow is different than many other history websites. It is more like a library than a single book. There is no "one" story in the Valley Project. Rather, what you'll find are thousands of letters and diaries, census and government records, newspapers and speeches, all of which record different aspects of daily life in these two counties at the time of the Civil War. As you explore the extensive archive and you'll find that you can flip through a Valley resident's Civil War diary, read what the county newspapers reported about the battle of Gettysburg, or even search the census records to see how much the average citizen owned in 1860 or 1870.

Friday, March 5, 2004

Excuses, Excuses

Blogging has been light today, but i was out enjoying the spring-like weather. And i also took some time to dump my Martha Stewart stock. What do you think suits her best: vertical black stripes on white or basic orange? Not that the decision is up to her, of course. Remember, Martha, life is not holding a good hand but playing a poor hand well. Oh, and next time, don't lie to the nice men from the SEC.

I'm being mean, i know. Truthfuly, I've been bugged all day by a dream I had lasr night. It involved an old college..agem...friend. I dreamt I was camped out on her parents patio waiting for her. I knew i had been there a long time, and i could tell her parents were afraid of me. The kicker is that i knew she was married andnever returning to her parents house, yet I refused to leave. It has stuck with me all day, and is irritating me much more than it should. Truthfully, it shouldn'tirritate me at all. I can't understand why i am irked by so many silly things as of ate. I think i'm under way too much stress and uncertainty. Lord, I am glad it is Spring Break.

And I Hear Hirohito Wanted Dewey

North Korea Wants Kerry: There's an incentive to vote Democrat in November. You know the one thing we'd like to do in the world is make the most repressive regime on the planet happy, right? This, along with libya's about face on imost ts nuclear program is further evidence of the Bush Docrtrine's success. If that is "cowboy diplomacy," then I say, 'Yippie Kai Yay."

Spring Break

My vacation officially started today. It's also sunny and warm outside, so what in the world am I doing in here staring at a laptop? See you later, all. With a tan, no less.

Thursday, March 4, 2004

Nader's Ego Trip

Ralph Nader's Dark Alliance: In search of support for his candidacy, "...Nader has now jumped into bed with the ultrasectarian cult-racket formerly known as the New Alliance Party and its guru, Fred Newman" who "recruits and controls his followers through a brainwashing scheme baptized "social therapy," designed to create blind allegiance to Newman", and who has "dipped his rhetoric in the poisonous blood-libel of anti-Semitism, denouncing Jews as "storm troopers of decadent capitalism."
Holy Frijoles!

It is currently 74 degrees and sunny in Virginia Beach. The weather is actually nice. For once. I wondered if i'd ever feel warm weather again. Now that i've jinxed it by mentioning it on my blog, there probabl won't be any more warm weather until I leave. regardess, I've been out enjoying it, but now I am about to head out for class.

I ran into NDK in the student union. We rarely meet up anymore, so i was glad to see her. I didn't mention her by name (I still haven't, actually) but she was one i hinted at in a earlier post as joining the Common Good and foregoing the bar exam. She has changed her mind, and now plans to join a corporate litigation firm in Florida. Good for her. I am glad to see her talents are going to be put to good use. She, her roomie, and I are planning to go out over Spring Break next week and have a last fling as unattached and uninhibited students before we get chained to families and mortgages. It should be fun.

Wednesday, March 3, 2004

Clinton As VP?

No, that's wishful thinking on the part of the New York Times. Clinton has been twice elected President. By the 22nd Amendment, he is not eligible to be elected President again. So, by the 12th Amendment, he is not eligible to be elected Vice-President Clinton is constitutionally ineligible to be VP. If he fills any other cabinet position, he is waived from the line of succession. Even there could be some legal way arounf it (anyone believe the Supreme Court would go for it?) there's no way that Kerry could risk choosing a VP candidate that might be found to be ineligible prior to the election. It would be quite embarassing to have to refashion your campaign. There is also that pesky fact that Clinton lied under oath, and has been professionally censured for it. There is the lurking bad blood over what appears to be a pattern of sexual harassment by Clinton that would make him unacceptable to many feminist voters. There is also the deep wedge between the liberal left and centrist Democrats that fueled Nader's 2000 campaign.

In other words, if you want a Clinton (and heaven help you if you do), you'll have to settle for Hillary.

Talk About Ingrates

Bomb Plot Threatens French Rail System: Terrorists never met a better frend than France, and this is the thanks they get. The interesting part is on page two. The terrorists asked for $5.2 million - 1 million in euros and the rest in USD. Strange time to be preferring dollars over euros considering the strength of the euro v. the dollar. I imagine dollars would be easier to spend in many third world countries, if you want to escape with your ill-gotten gains. Dollars seem to be accepted nearly anywhere in the world, whereas euros probably haven't spread quite so far yet.

New Wave of Liberals

I talked with a fellow politico this morning after class about how parts of Oregon and new York are going to allow gay marriages. I speculate that this is a preview of the next generation of liberals. While they will have the same value system as their current brethren, how they go about their agenda will radically change. Those who came of age in the sixties say, "This law is unjust. Let's change it." Now the iphilosophy is, "This law is unjust. Let's ignore it." John Kerry is of the former school of thought; San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsoim is of the latter. if Kerry loses the presidency, expect to see the latter school of thought ascendant.

It's already happened, with the relatively moderate Gephardt being replaced by the shrill Pelosi as the House Democrat leader. Now, just as Dole's defeat in 1996 ended the World War II generation's hold on power, the hippie generation may be kicked out for something far worse. Farewell, rule of law. We hardly knew you.

That's the Sound of Arteries Unclogging

McSupersizes to be Phased Out: The hamburger giant has started phasing out its trademark Supersize fries and drinks in its U.S. restaurants as part of an effort to simplify its menu and give customers choices that support a balanced lifestyle, a company spokesman said Tuesday. Of course, if you are eating at McDonalds, a balanced diet probably isn't all that important to you anyway.

Buyer's Remorse

The Trouble With Kerry: Well that didn't take long.

Tuesday, March 2, 2004

Primarily Speaking

There are no surprises in Super Tuesday II. It's a Kerry blowout. Now that he's the de facto nominee, I will be waiting anxiously to discover when buyer's remorse will set in for the Democratic Party. Surely thre Vush campaign is ready to go after Kerry with both barrels. It should be easy, considering the poor success rate of Senators who have run for president. Explaining those inconsistent records because of backroom deals on votes/logeolling/etc can really kill them. it should be quite a bit of fun to watch. Anway, I don't expect Edwards to concede until tomorrow and I enjoyed the fact that Vermont still voted for Dean. I can appreciate those who vote their cpnscience, even when I never would have voted for him in a zillion years.

Monday, March 1, 2004

Change of Pace

Some didn't care for that last post. I did say in the above disclaimer tat anything and everything could show up here. Oh, well. I guess the axiom that if it interests you, it will interest someone else isn't a hard and fast rule. Heh heh. Anybody going to see one of those spider crabs in your sleep tomight?

I've done quite a bit of research on locating legal jobs in South Carolina. While I am still in the phase of applying for just about anything outside of corporate law (which is an ickey subject, let me tell you) I am narrowing it down to focus on the career I really want--criminal and civil litigation. It looks more and more like the solicitor's office is the best place for me. It would offer litigation experience, plus criminal aw logically flows: thedefendant is accused of a crime, there are three elements to the crime, prove all three down the line. Boom. Boom. Boom. Plus the appearances in court give privateemployersa chance to see you in action, whereas by going to a private firm, I'd be in a library for the entire first year and sitting second chair long thereafter. So, it's a short time sacrifice forlongterm gain.

Yes, I hope i gt fortunate with a private firm instead. But I'm a realist. Clients should appreciate that about me. I'm still hoping to land a job somewhere on the coast, although i spent the best years of my life in Columbia. I'll bet I'd feel right at home there. I'd better. There won't be any other homeonce I leave Virginia. Hold on--let me dwell on that lovely thought (Leave Virginia...leave Virginia.. ) Wow i feel better. Anyway, more on my future later as things become clear as mud.

Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

Deep Sea Fish: From the strange to the fascinating and the downright frightening, here is a page featuring various critters captured from beneath the ocean. Nifty stuff, but it may make you not want to go swimming. Ever.