Monday, January 31, 2011

LEGO now takes shape of guns.

Found this online - and got me really interested... hehehehe LOL.

We all started on LEGO blocks that have taken the shape of our deepest desires. I remember a friend crafting everything from a Ferrari to a topless fairy (distorted) with LEGO blocks. As time went by these innovative playthings have shaped into serious artforms. Now this has mutated into becoming something that brings more destruction vibes than the usual build and let build ideology. Guns! Imagine guns shaped to be as lifelike as can be represented with blatant inspiration in design and build.

I fancy some serious business being made out of this. Imagine bold replicas in the hands if you young ones as they learn hardcore army stunts and routines. Badass indeed.

LEGO is no longer a kids' toy, isnt it?