Mind Numbed Robot links to Kristen Bell. The shell shocked Robot also icuded me in his Robo-Love Experiment # 2, which is not as dirty as it sounds even though he does threaten to poke my eye out.
No Sheeples Here! links to FMJRA LV
The Other McCain links to Kristen Bell.
Classic Liberal links to The LeBro James.. On the lihter side, Classic Liberal links to Kristen Bell and Holly Madison.
Worldwide News Flash links to Roman Polanski Avoids Extradition.
A sincere thank you to all who linked. If you linked to me in the last week, but I do not have you here, you unfortunately fell through the cracks of Technorati, Google Blog Search, and Sitemeter. Please drop me a note in the comments and I will update with your link.