Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Thirty Days of Battlestar Galactica # 6--Least Favorite Character

My least favorite character is Cally Henderson Tyrol. I never saw the appeal of her, but the powers that be had originally intended for her to be a named extra who was killed in “Bastille Day,” but decided to have her character survive an assault and expand her character instead.

But nothing she was expanded to is all that impressive. Even the hint she might have been one of the Final Five Cylons was met with little enthusiasm.

I especially never bought into her marriage to Tyrol. It was doomed from the beginning. Call it a personal bias, if you wish, but it reminded me of the quickie marriages I have seen from my Christian high school and Regent university School of Law. Those were tiny, fish bowl environments where the pickings were so slim, people settled for a spouse who was not all that great, but seemed fine amog the small number of choices. New Caprica was like that, too.

It is not that these prelateships were necessarily doomed, though quite a few have been, but that the couples were so clueless about the world of choices out there, they did not know the difference. Ignorance is bliss, but not to the outside observer.

I was thrilled when she got spaced.