Thursday, July 22, 2010

My Take on Sheryl Sherrod

I hate to go intellectually slumming here, but there really is no way to talk about this bruhaha without scrounging around the bottom of the dumpster. This whole Shirley Sherrod deal reminds me of the scene in The Running Man in which video of the future Guvernator was doctored to show him shooting unarmed civilians in a food riot when he was actually trying to stop authorities from opening fire. It was all about high ratings for television. Everyone wound up rooting for him in the end to uncover the truth.

None of this controversy would have happened if two things were different. One, journalists gained an ounce of professionalism and two, the Obama administration was less race obsessed.

Exactly how difficult is it to watch the entire video in question before running with a story? That sounds minimally competent to me. I am not just laming FOX news or conservative bloggers, either. Many media outlets ran with the story. This is not some racist, right-wing conspiracy. It is ignoring professional responsibility by journalists all around in order to get sexy story out there right now.

Nor would this have happened if there was not such a gung ho effort, which I am confident Barack Obama, by the NAACP to blanket accuse the Tea party movement of institutional racism. The administration fired Sherrod lickety split to keep her becoming a talking point for ’racists’ like Glenn Beck--the same Glenn Beck who immediately defended Sherrod

Let us face it, Sherrod is likely a race baiting socialist who is probably note the best person for her job. Yet Beck rightly wants her to have it back. So much for politics or race trumping fair play among powerful movement conservatives.

She will be fine, too, folks. Labor lawyers have been colliding with themselves trying to get in contact with her to offer legal services. She was an at will employee, but quite obviously fired in violation of public policy. Someone is going to et sued. More likely, Everyone is going to get sued. .

It also pays to ask--why is race a factor in the USDA aiding small farmers? Should not economic issues be far more important? Just asking.