Thursday, July 22, 2010

Why Was Alvin Greene Discharged from the Military?

No surprise--he is three fries short a Happy Meal.

The toy is probably not included, either, which would explain his idea of creating jobs by manufacturing action figures of himself. Every kid will want one. I bet it will have a kung fu grip for those special University of South Carolina co-eds to...uh..."use."

The article says Greene was discharged because he required a list of jobs to do on any given day, but was often incapable of following it. He did not understand the importance of doing a job right, so he was putting people at risk. So instead of letting Jack Nicholson order a code red, they discharged hi to avoid any potential legal posturing on the part of Tom Cruise.

Greene cannot focus on what needs to be doe, does not appreciate the value of doing tasks correctly, and brainstorms stupid ideas to serious problems. Sounds like the perfect Democrat to me. No wonder he got the nomination.