Monday, July 19, 2010

Thirty Days of Doctor Who # 27--Least Favorite Episode (Classic)

“The Twin Dilemma’ is bar none the worst episode of Doctor Who ever.

The serial would be a cellar dweller for no other reason than featuring a crazed Sixth Doctor, wonky from regenerating, nearly choking the life out of dear, sweet Peri. But there is so much more to dislike.

The Sixth Doctor is a complete jerk from beginning to end. That was part of the plan. There was a misbegotten idea to make the Sixth Doctor completely likeable first, then slowly have him adjust to a more amicable demeanor. It turned fans off. While colin Baker did eventually warm up to me, his interpretation of the Doctor never recovered for many fans. You could argue the forced hiatus for the series was as a direct result of the bad Sixth Doctor introduction here.

The plot of aliens named Romulus ad Remus concocting a B-movie plot to take over the galaxy did not help anyway, either.

Dishonorable mention goes to “The Happiness Patrol.” The Sylvester McCoy Seventh Doctor years were consistently bad with few exceptions, but this serial sticks out in my mid because of the silly Kandy Man villain.

The Kandy Man kan't, folks!