I suspect the process towards a truce between Worf and Ezri is supposed to be the highlight of the episode, but as one who is not a Worf or Jadzia guy--he is still grinding hiax about Ezri spoiling her memory--it does ot sing or dace for me. It is doe well, mind you. The two are in a cell on Cardassia facing imminent execution. Virtually all their scenes are carried exclusively by dialogue. The relationship just does not work for me.
I was a big fan of Worf breaking Weyoun’s neck after the Vorta mentioned he now knows Ezri is in love with Bashir thanks to the Breen min probe. That was an inspired scene.
Kai Winn and the altered Dukat continue their icky romance. Winn quickly loses her faith in the prophets ad turns towards the Pah’Wraiths as per Dukat’s manipulations. Their story is going to go on hiatus in short order, which is kind of strange, but I cannot help but think the writers moved too quickly I getting the two together there is that odd combination of feeling rushed and then abandoned until near the end.
I can forgive the slow, anemic plodding through the rest of the episode suffers because of how much I ejoy the Damar character study. The patriotic Damar is in way over his head here as he realizes the Breen are replacing his people as the favored Alpha Quadrant ally. The Dominion are forcing Cardassian territorial concessions without his advisement, using his soldiers as cannon fodder, and he is finally demoted himself.
A big emphasis has been placed on Damar’s excessive drinking. He is not an epicurean, he is trying to bury feelings of self-loathing because of the Dominion lackey he has become. He even reveals a death wish in his comment that Worf should have killed him instead of Weyoun if he wanted to make any real difference in his and Ezri’s dire situation.
The episode ends with Damar helped the two escape with the message the Federation now has an ally on Cardassia.
Rating: *** (out of 5)