Monday, July 26, 2010

Oliver Stone: Jewish Control of Hollywood Prevents Hitler from Being Viewed in Context

Hollywood is about to face an anti-Semitism litmus test, assuming it I willing to take the opportunity. Somehow, I suspect it will not.

Oliver Stone, in an interview with The Sunday Times that the Jewish control of Hollywood has prevented filmmakers from portraying Adolf Hitler in context. He went on to say Hitler struck a much more devastating blow to the Russians than the Jews, yet the holocaust is considered the larger crime. Stone believes the Israel lobby controls the narrative with this powered influence, including running United States foreign policy.

Keep in mind Stone is making these claims sober to a newspaper while Mel Gibson asserted similarity-Semitic claims about the existence of the Holocaust and jews being the cause of all wars. Both men have made repulsive statements that ought to be soundly criticized publicly. But Gibson is a conservative, self-professed Catholic--one of the bad guys--while Stone is a progressive Buddhist--one o the good guys as far as Hollywood is concerned.

Will Stone rightfully face the consequences of his words or does Hollywood excuse such statements if they come from people who normally think the “correct” things? Bonus question--has Stone allowed himself enough wiggle room by bringing up the “Israel lobby” to get away with his statements?

Early indications are no on the former and yes on the latter. Like Roma Polanski, Stone makes films the Hollywood elite likes, so they are willing to literally look the other way because such indiscretions add color to creative genius. Or something like that. Sadly enough, there appears to be a rising anti-Israel bent among self-proclaimed intellectuals, perhaps due to the multicultural peacenik idea that the Islamic extremists’ war on America is our fault, so we really ought to bow and scrape to please them.