Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Thirty Days of Doctor Who # 28--Least Favorite Episode (New)

The worst episode of the revived Doctor Who is hands down “Fear Her” from the second season.

I understand the logistics of television production for the BBC requires the occasional small scale, budget saver episode. The trick of it is too see how well producers can disguise the fact a certain episode has a budget of $ 4.35. Sometimes, they do it stupendously well, such as with “Blink..” Other times, it isa dismal failure like “Fear Her.”

Let us face it, the whole episode is corny. A profoundly lonely alien child plans to kidnap the entire planet by drawing a picture of Earth. The Tenth Doctor save the day by using the 2012 London Olympic torch to start the alien spaceship up again. Then he takes it upon himself to light the torch so the games can begin.

This all starts with a gag about landing the TARDIS too close to a dumpster for the door to be opened.

So we have the have the entire planet threatened with the backdrop of the 2012Olympics, but the story mostly takes place on a council estate. It produces a cheap, tiny atmosphere that ruins the scope. When the time comes for the big moment, the lighting of the torch has the appearance of an elementary school play.

Yes, it is all bad.