American Digest--Monsters from the Id
Amusing Bunni's Musings--Explosive! Obama Stole the Election from Hillary!
Belmont Club--Of Aliens, Monte Cristo, and lame Lines
Big Feed--In Lubbock, Texas
Camp of the Saints--In All Godliness and Hoesty
Chattering Teeth--The Great Obama Depression
Classic Liberal--Collective salvation and the War of Northern Aggression
Cotton Boll Conspiracy--The Bastille: Saving the Best for Last
Current--Capitalism Lessons for Obama from 1948
Daley Gator--Black Liberation Theology: Only Marxism Can Save Your White Soul, Cracker
Gates of Vienna--We Are Inspiration
In a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World--Friday Pin Up
Jumping in Pools--Top 5 Conservative Governors
Large Regular--George Steinbrenner
Left Coast Rebel--Ayn Rand, the Tea Party, and John Galt
MAinfo--Brooke Shields: Beauty Through the years
Mind Numbed Robot-Olivia Munn
No Sheeples Here!--A Personal Witness: One Nation Uder God
Other McCain--Media Matters: Arbiters of Legitimacy?
Paco Enterprises--Thinly Veiled Cowering Over the Events of 9/11
Proof Positive--The Women of PETA XV
Silent Majority--Racist and Socialist: Two Words, One Problem
Teresamerica--Two Vietnames? What?
Sheila Jackson-Lee did not pay attention to Yakko Warner, did she?Troglopundit--Obamotivators
Washington Rebel--Obama's Sfumato