Tuesday, September 28, 2010

United Nations Appoints Representative for Alien Contact

The United Nations is a body of incompetent, undemocratic do nothings who cannot sit me no matter what they do. Part of me wonders why they are wasting time on some silly stunt lie this instead of calling attention to to more urgent matters like human rights oppression, but another part of me breathes a sigh of relief they are working on this sort of frivolousness instead of screwing up something important.

The United Nations is set to appoint Malaysian astrophysicist Mazlan Othman to act as Earths first contact for any alien that may come calling. the urgency, assuming there is one, is the appointment is because discovery of hundreds of planets around other stars has made the detection of extraterrestrial life more likely than ever before.

more likely, it is because the United nation's Office for Outer Space Affairs, of which Othman is a member, is jockeying for more money and therefore needs to increase its importance. NASA has a habit of announcing potential new discoveries that could shatter all that we know about the universe every time its relevancy comes under scrutiny, too.

Is there an increased potential for alien contact in the near future because o the discovery of new planets? Probably not. If first contact with aliens was an important issue, no one would be stupid enough to leave it to the United nations to handle.

For that matter, there is the standard viewpoint it has been a terrible thing for more advanced cultures to make contact with primitive ones because of the whole myth of the noble savage being destroyed by evil modernity. How can the intellectuals elite hold that viewpoint while encouraging contact with an alien race more advanced than humans?