Monday, September 20, 2010


If you've been paying any attention at all, you know that the tea baggers partiers have managed to get a couple crackpots through the primaries. I'm all for the people's voice, but these people are just ridiculous and seem like a waste of a candidate. If you are a democrat, you are celebrating. If you are a non-psycho-level-conservative republican, you are pissed. And if you still believe in handpicked sections of the bible like Santa, then you are riding your high horse(albeit for a very short time). I don't dabble in politics on The Skinny, but there is some comedy to address here. Check out some of Christine O'Donnell's 13 Most Ridiculous Quotes.  Speaking of dabbling, she recently admitted that she has dabbled in witchcraft, but who hasn't? Another real winner that's flying under the radar is Sharron Angle, a candidate in Nevada, who once campaigned to get rid of a high school football team's black jerseys because the color was ungodly and wicked (racist much?)

Now that I think about it, maybe the problem isn't ultra-conservativeness, it's women. Palin, O'Donnell, Angle...there appears to be a trend there. See what I did? I brought it back to a standard Flint Skinny slam on women instead of a political argument.