Friday, September 24, 2010


Wu-Tang Pan pizza ain't nothin' to fuck wit'

21 pizzas for Pizza Night in America

That's some great bacleavage.

No wonder Keanu is so sad.

I f'ing love party hats.

Me and this 2 liter bottles of Squirt are gonna murder folks.

So that's where tigers come from.

I'm definitely moving to the 50th state. Let's get cocky!

I think a dead vagina is a perfectly legit reason for a divorce.

Only one way to find out if it helps...

Taken on the set of hit show Detroit 1-8-7

How many times do I have to say this, Worst. Advice. Ever.

I really hope this doesn't mean Chuck is back.

Irritating because it's true. It's fucking 2010, get your shit together TV.

Not sure what it includes, but I want it.

It's cool, I keep my loaded pistol in my sweatpants.

A billion dollars isn't cool. You know what is? A gorillion dollars.


Not funny dude. Why would I post this?

Get it....gravity...he's hovering.

Designed for boys ages 0-100

Say what? You're a shark. You can't talk.

I wanna be on you. Sesame Street that is.

Give it a shot, you'd be surprised.

Why are you looking here, the joke's in your hand.

Someone please find and buy me these.

Please come back Dave Chappelle.

Don't steal my line, bro.

Hi, mine name's Chris. Wanna go grab a drink?

Be sure to read it. The man was a badass.

This makes me want to have a kid.

Scariest image imaginable.

God I hate this bitch. Go back under your bridge where you belong.

I strive to be Raven everyday of my life.

Indiana sucks. This proves it. Science folks.

Hide yo toys!

To amazing for words. Can I hire you to guard my bathtub?