Sunday, September 26, 2010

Formspring Question # 48--Broken Funny Bone Edition

You haven't watched a sitcom in 12 years? What's the last one you watched?
Okay, my claim is not exactly true. I have seen episodes from scores of sitcoms over the last twelve years, either first run or in syndication. A lot of them were funny. But I never cared if I missed an episode or six. I cannot claim to like ashow if that is true, no?

I used to like Wings. The show did not get the recognition it deserved for its combination of talented cast and writing staff. A lot of people must have dismissed the show as some goofy comedy centered around a small airport. It was much more than tat, though.

The creator of the show, David Angell, was on American Airlines Flight 11 when it crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. Not a selling point for the show, but a tragically interesting factoid.

If you really want to know, I have seen quite a few episodes of The Simpsons, Frasier, Friends, The Drew Carey Show, Seinfeld, The King of Queens, Better Off Ted and Family Guy in recent years to varying degrees of enjoyment.

The Big Bang Theory is the only cannot miss I have experienced in a long while.