Wednesday, September 29, 2010


There are a lot of things in this world that I really like. Pretty close to the top of that list are both comedy and swearing. There's no better way to accentuate a great point or joke than with a good curse word. I especially like the word cunt when said with a accent. I don't know why, but it somehow seems to tone down the offensiveness just enough that women don't act like you just said the most horrific thing on earth. It was comedian Jim Jeffries who really started the idea in my head that "cunt" seemed less vulgar with an accent, so it's appropriate that he tied my favorite things into a tidy little video. If you notice the little clock on the left, you can tell that this isn't a remix. It just so happens to be every time he swears throughout his entire next DVD special. Pretty amazing if you ask me. In case you have no idea who he is (kill yourself), I added one of his older videos for your viewing pleasure.

Obviously NSFW language