Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Sorry Conan. At least you get to hang out with George Lopez
It's true, I read it on a sign.

It's true. Bill Murray told me so.

Back in the day this would have earned you a handjob.

I am terrible at being wrong. It's just not something I support.

Sorry buddy, ladies ditched the muff. Gillette FTW!

Screw safety, this could go viral!

It's called sex, and it's all the rage these days.

That's the spirit! You can be buried in the backyard with the rest.

No idea why this is funny, but I laughed. You did too. Admit it.

I'm so hot Imma melt all this ice.

You can't spell slaughter without laughter!

You clearly have the internet, what more could you want?

Much like a priest, your rules don't apply to me. 

Literally. We're frowning. See? Very upset.

Ladies, take note. You'll win every single time.

Carving this pumpkin this weekend. Then, it's a waiting game...

If you can't cum in 'em cum on em.

Damn you Shakey J Fox! Now we're dead. Thanks.

The only way to get nerds to exercise.

What's the difference between jelly and jam?
I don't try to jelly my dick up a girl's ass.

This happens to me every goddamn day with my phone charger.

Too bad you are a dude. Could have been the most successful ad ever.

X-to-the-Z would be a great addition. Pimp my bat mobile, bitch.