Sunday, September 26, 2010

Formspring Question # 47--Contrarian Edition

Give me an unpopular opinion about LOST, Battlestar Galactica, and Doctor Who.
Lost--I really liked the finale. Others have complained it did not give any answers to the series’ questions, but ultimately, faith won out over science. Faith does not require answers. I can accept that.

As a bonus, I did not mind Nikki and Paulo. Michelle Rodriguez as Ana-Lucia Cortez was a fine addition to the cast, too.

Battlestar Galactica--I am not sure I have an unpopular opinion about the show. Were a lot of fans really upset about the ’God did it” finale? If so, I liked it, so that will have to count.

Doctor Who--Christopher Eccleston made a better Doctor than David Tennant. Eccleston played the part of a melancholy loner racked with survivor’s guilt perfectly. Tennant often came across as a whiny emo. Maybe the problem is Tennant had to drag out the persona three years longer than Eccleston, but regardless, that is how I feel.

Lynch mobs of teenage girls are now forming all over the United Kingdom to come after me now…