Monday, September 20, 2010

Obama Omits Creator from the Declaration of Independence

I have long since argued Barack Obama is an atheist, not a Muslim. Here is further evidence.

Obama spoke at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Friday night. At around 22:30, he quotes the Declaration of Independence, but omits “Creator” from the appropriate place:
“We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal….. endowed with certain unalienable rights, life and liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”
I have heard a number of libertarian atheist types dance around the controversy by not quoting directly from the Declaration of Independence and just referring to the inalienable rights as universal. Obama probably would have liked to do the same, but the actual quote from the Declaration of Independence was on his teleprompter.

Skip ahead to 22:30 or so ad watch as he pauses right after saying "created equal," as though he does not want to read what comes next. Maybe he was already thrown off by saying "created equal."

I will concede Obama may be disinclined to quote any part of the Declaration of Independence regarding people being created equal or endowed with inalienable rights because of the notion in black liberation theology these words mean nothing to blacks because they were slaves at the time they were written. i have not comfortable the president has that idea, either, if true.

Whatever the problem is, it is an awkward moment.