Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Lisa Murkowski is a Sore Loser

Incumbent Lisa Murkowski narrowly trails opponent Joe Miller for the Republican nomination for Senate. Insiders say she has no shot at winning because she would need 60% of the absetee ballots in order to do so.

While it is conceivable, one wonder why, in a solid Republican state, that many people would bother voting for the incumbent if they are going to vote GOP in the general election anyway? Surely most of those motivated to send in an absentee ballot are doing so because they are either excited about Miller or are not thrilled with Murkowski. Either way, it does not look good for her.

So what is a good RINO to do? Why, run independent, of course.

Not just independent, but on the Alaska Independence Party ticket, which has yet to select a nominee. You may recall that is the party Todd Palin caught flack for being associated with at one point. I will bet you since Miller is a Sarah Palin backed candidate and Democrats have no shot at winning the seat, pundits will forget they ever had a problem with the party as long as Murkowski gets on the ballot.