Sunday, August 22, 2010

Blogroll Spotlight LVIII

It is time for the weekly round up of favorite posts from my blogroll. As usual, these are not ranked, but in alphabetical order by blog title.

American Digest: Bill Wittle: A Terminal Case of Moral Cowardice

American Perspective--Whiny Lament: Liberals Do't Like Obama, Either

Amusing Bunni's Musings--Adorable Animals to Amuse You (Incuding "Hot Rod" Blagojevich.)

Another Black Conservative--AP to Staff: Don't Call It the Ground Zero Mosque.

Belmont Club--The Fatal Summer

Camp of the Saints--The Fisking of the Shrew

Classic Liberal--Classical Liberalism

Current--Just Who Are the Extreme Oes

Da Tech Guy--Long Memories for the Oppressed

Daley Gator--Newt Gingrich Shows His True Nature Again

Five Feet of Fury--Academics Write in Muslim Magazine "[Christopher] Hitchens' Cancer a Boon to Humanity"

Gorge's Grouse--A "Modern" Parable

In a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World--Dimwit Wedneday

Jammie Wearing Fool--Miss USA Speaks out Against Ground Zero MosqueKill Truck--RIP, WorldNetDaily

Mind Numbed Robot--Should Israel Bomb Iran?

No Sheeples Here!--MSM Villifying Opponents of the Ground Zero Mosque

Piece of Work in Progress--Liar-in-Chief Warns Americans Not to be Fooled

Right Wing Extreme--American Patriot/Hero of the Week

Six Meat Buffet--A Mosque o Every Corner and a Chicken in Every Roost

Teresamerica--Dismantling America

Troglopundit--Happy Birthday, Hayden

Washington Rebel--Through a Glass, Darkly

Wright Mind--Why I Don't Miss Bush

How about a little country Gospel with Emmy Lou Harris and Robert Duvall? I remember watching this duet live. I was in the laundry room of my doer building at the end of my junior year of college. After midnight on a school night was the only time you could be guaranteed to get both a washer and dryer in a reasonable amount of time. The television up on a stand in the corner of the room was tuned to Late Night with David Letterman.

Robert Duvall was promoting his personal project, a movie called The Apostle. I recommend it, if you have not seen it. It is an honest, un-Hollywood look at the frailty involved in walking the Christian faith. Duvall san on the soundtrack the old Gospel song “I Love to Tell the Story” and performed it with Emmy Lou Harris on the show.

I stopped to watched, leaning up against the folding table. It was a beautiful rendition precisely because Duvall is not a particularly good singer, but it was coming from his heart.

There were two other people I the laundry room with me that night, a guy and a girl. We did not know each or even acknowledge one another. There is something about washing one’s underwear in the middle of the night that renders one unsociable. After a few seconds of the song, both stopped in their places and listened to the rest o it.

The University of South Carolina, even though in the buckle of the Bible Belt, was not a particularly spiritual place. There was a small, close knit Christian community in the midst of many kids who were rebelling against puritan up brings not that they were away from their parents for the first time. Sometimes, it was easy to get lost in the secularism which was generally accepted as enlightened.

Every now and then, something would shake me out of it. I could tell others were having the same experience. That night in the spring of 1998 is one that sticks far out I my mind. All three of us went back to our business without another word once the commercial break started. That is the way these things worked around there.