Friday, August 20, 2010

Does It Really Matter if Obama is a Muslim?

I think many are reading to much into This Pew poll which says 18% of people think Barack Obama is a Muslim. I daresay 10-15% of people polled would say he is a shapeshifting space alien if the question was asked. One has to be realistic about poll respondents and results, particularly the importance of fringe elements. that is, no importance at all.

Before I go ny further, let me reiterate my belief that Obama is not a believer iof any religion. I do not think he is a Muslim or a Christian. he clearly has Muslim sympathies, but that is because he is eaten up with the politically correct notion that if white, conservative Christians do not believe in it, it must be revered above all else as a way of alleviating racist guilt, real or imagined.

You cannot name many progressives who do not believe this way. Americans have an unfavorable view of Islam, so you can actually expect the progressive appeasement of Islam to increase as they seek to compensate for the unwashed masses who think burkasand suicide bombers do not belong in a so called religion of peace.

I have to echo DrewM's sentiments at Ace of Spades--Obama could announce he is taking a pilgrimage to Mecca tomorrow and it would not change a thing. His politics would still be too progressive for the rest of America. His values would still out of touch with the rest of us. His policies would still be foolhardy. He would still spend the country into oblivion. He would still be economically illiterate. He would still have a clueless foreign policy.

In short, who the heck cares what his religion is? He is an awful president regardless. Worry about that instead of whether he is hiding his true religious views. We have ha numerous full on Christian in the White House who were incompetent, too. Jimmy Carter comes readily to mind. I am not so sure religion is a factor one way or the other when one is politically incompetent.