Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Will Folks Gets No Traction Against Nikki Haley

It looks like Will folks’ ’confession” that he had an affair with South Carolina gubernatorial frontrunner Nikki Haley has made him a laughingstock. The only ones taking him seriously is the state’s Democratic party and that is only out of frustration because we would rather have an adulterous loon like Mark Sanford in charge than any of the crooked doofuses they scrounge up.

Ever hear of Vincent Sheheen? Neither has anyone else in the palmetto State, but he is their man to lose to Haley, Henry McMaster, Gresham Barrett, Andre Bauer, the night manger of the Mechanicsville Holiday Inn, or any other Republican the part cares to nominate.

In all seriousness, Will Folks' motivations aresadly clear, as are his delusions at being a ladies man. Folks has earned less than @ 2,00 from the Haley campaign for some writing work he has done for them and decided to come forward with his "confession" in order to beat a free weekly newspaper to the punch.

That would be the Free Times, An alternate rag largely distributed on the campus of the University of South Carolina and trendy establishments frequented by those who would prefer to not admit they are from South Carolina in polite company. Readers of the Free Times are split into two categories: those who fantasize South Carolina will become Massachusetts one day and those who read through the anonymous personals and try to identify which of our professors are the closeted gay BDSM freaks looking for discreet playmates.

A Pulitzer Prize winning newspaper this ain’t.

The interesting part is how much exposure the non-scandal has given Haley outside the state. She had gone from fourth place to first in the primary with the endorsement by Sarah Palin--convenient that is when Folks speaks up, no?-- and has done nothing but solidly her position since. I would be surprised if Folks’ fantasy can make a dent in her campaign.

(Yes, I am still certain there will be a run off since there are some many candidates and the supporters of the defeated establishment candidates may line up against her in the run off, but that is the good old boy system at work, not a reflection on Haley as a potetial governor.)