Sunday, May 30, 2010

Someone Give Barack Obama a Fiddle-- Rome is Burning!

It is dismaying to think it takes the United Kingdom's Daily Telegraph to note Barack Obama's credibility has been shot over his ambivalent response to the Gulf oil spill and his passing the buck on the Joe Sestak scandal, not to mention the money supply is dwindling and the stock market just had its weakest month since 1940. the best the American press can do is point at Peggy Noonan's epiphany about his incompetence and laugh.

Obama is completely and utterly disconnected with reality. He does not recognize the importance of things. Even the most progressive of progressives is taking note, even if they are doing so reluctantly. Anyone who who is still trying to pin blame on Bush 43 or republicans looks foolish doing so.

Earlier this week, James Carville’s anger about the environmental impact of the oil spill on his home state of Louisiana got the better of him. Bill Maher’s frustration with Obama’s lack of “gangsta” attitude erupted on Real Time Friday night. Even Chris Matthews praised rush Limbaugh for attacking Bill Clinton over his rle in the Sestak business. The three of them formerly stauch obama allies, cannot help but see the truth.

What about Obama? He is on vacation and cannot be bothered to comment.