Thursday, May 27, 2010

All Time Favorites # 5--Gillian Anderson

I am a big fan of The X-Files. Much of my fondness for the show has to do with Gillian Anderson’s Emmy, Golden Globe, and People’s Choice award winning portrayal of FBI Special Agent Dana Scully. She played Scully as a smart and sexy straight laced type, which just goes to prove her acting chops. By most accounts, Anderson is a New Age, rebellious punk type.

In recent years, she has moved back to London, where she grew up once her family moved from her birthplace of Chicago, where she could pursue more serious acting roles. She did return to play Scully in the recent X-Files II: I Want to Believe,, a sequel which sorely disappoint me for lack of the show’s mythology.

It was no fault of Anderson’s however. She is aging like fine wine: