Wednesday, May 26, 2010

When Barack Obama Has Lost James Carville...

...then you know he is in trouble.

James Carville is an unabashedly obnoxious progressive who stood by Bill Clinton through numerous scandals out of loyalty to ideology, so when he starts blasting Barack Obama over his lack of action I handling the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico, I take note. While I am certain he is fired up because the fragile ecology of his home state of Louisiana is being threatened, there is a sense of urgency the president is damaging the Democrat brand.

It is a fair concern. The il has been leaking for five weeks now with no real action on the part of the White House. Obama has plans to suggest new regulations on Thursday and will visit the area for a photo op on Friday, but that is the extent of his actions. If the leak drags on much longer, this is going to become Obama’s Katrina.

Bush 43 never really recovered, right or wrong, post-Katrnia. That was not so long ago, Obama could forget the message. November is coming up and the democrats cannot afford another slam against them.

The question is what is Obama’s problem? Is he embarrassed over his connections to BP? There is much federal blame for the initial accident? All the Gulf states effected voted for John McCain in 2008? Maybe he is just bored because it is not a class warfare or racial issue. Good, old fashioned incompetence cannot be ruled out. Whatever it is, even his own party recognizes his failure as a leader to even give the appearance he is on top of things.