Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Who Will Be Barack Obama's Primary Opponent?

Barack Obama's poll numbers have dropped to 42%, the lowest of his presidency, and independents are leaving him in droves. With little chance of recovery, it is getting to the point where Democrats are reaching panic mode. Someone is bound to step up and challenge Obama.

What I figure is this; there is not enough time for Obama to come up with any policy that will win him any popularity by November. I am not sure he even has any popular ideas period even if he did have time to implement them. There are going to be Republican gains in the November election. Some of those estimates of up to seventy House seats are laughable, but the thirty or so needed to retake the House for the GOP is not. Regardless anything less than a next to impossible Democrat resurgence is going to be bad for obama.

Will the party blame him and support a primary opponent or will they support hissinking ship? I am assuming his overblown ego will compel him to run again in spite of sinking poll umbers.

The party may very well assume Obama has doomed them the same way Bush 43 doomed the GOP in 2008 and support a surefire losing candidate. The Republicans may even help them along by nominating another dud themselves.

But I think there is also the possibility Hillary Clinton is going to give it another go, perhaps with the implication she should be supported this time around to make up for not nominating her in 2008. She is probably the only one with the resources and nerve to mount a campaign. Evan Bayh may think e is a decent alternative. Whatever happens, a decision has to be made soon. Any 2012 candidate has to begin raising money by 2011, so any potential candidates need to decide now to run.