Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Thirty Days of Lost # 2--Favorite Male Character

My favorite male character is John Locke. His was the most well developed character. It as written especially for Terry O’Quinn, whom J. J. Abrams had previously worked with on Alias, O’Quinn was the only actor to not have to audition for his role on Lost. It is likely because, not only is O’Quinn a fine actor, but the character of Locke has strong echoes of Peter Watts, his character from the cult favorite Millennium.

I identify a lot with the character of Locke. He is someone who has always tried to be more than he is even though circumstances keep knocking him back down every time he is on the verge of getting what he wants. The character has the inevitable dark side that comes from a life of struggle with little to show for it, but he never totally loses his faith that he could be a good guy whom everyone looks up to.

True to form, he only realizes after he is dead that he as right to have faith when it was too late to give him any peace on Earth.