Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Thirty Days of Lost # 3--Favorite Female Character

My favorite female character is Juliet Burke. Her journey from mousy, abused woman to a caring sister to a conniving villain and finally a happy, well-adjusted in love woman was one of the most mature character growth sequences o the series.

Plus, she was hot and had that fun sarcastic wit. She would have made the most entertaining Lost woman to be around.

I will grant you I do not really buy into her romance with Sawyer The writers tried to lay the groundwork for it in the third and fourth seasons, but I just cannot see the two of them hooking up. They are too much alike. Considering they both have a sense of self-loathing, it makes no sense they would fall for each other. It was a forced romance because they were stuck together in the ’70’s with no one else.

The romance did not ruin the character for me, obviously, but I imagie I would have preferred her arc to go in a different direction