In “Prophet Motive,” Quark takes on Louis’ role in being concerned for the Grand Nagus, who has suddenly softened his attitude about cut throat business, become a philanthropist, and rewritten the Rules of Acquisition to bring about change for a Ferengi. Quark is as distraught over the Nagus as Louis was over his uncle.
It turns out the Nagus had communed with the wormhole aliens--how he did so without anyone finding out is a mystery--in order to seek better business opportunities. The aliens found him a disagreeable sort and altered him to his new attitude. It is all rather sinister, if you ask me.
Quark visit’s the aliens to discover what happened. They decide he is just as bad and choose to alter him, too, but he protest. If they change him, too, more Ferengi will come out of curiosity over what happened to him and the Nagus. Changing the Nagus back to his old personality is the only way to keep Ferengi away. The aliens agree to change the Nagus back and leave Quark as he is.
The B-story features Bashir up for a prestigious award he does not believe ewill win because of his youth. Nevertheless, he is disappointed when he loses. Typical sitcom trappings, that.
“Prophet Motive” is not a terrible episode, but it reminds me of some of VOY’s attempts to break the Trek mold like “Fair Haven.” I am not a big sitcom fan. It probably comes from watching too many of them in my younger days. So this one does not fly with me very well. I am still fascinated by the overt manipulations of the wormhole aliens, however. They are more malevolent than previously shown.
Rating: ** (out of 5)