Sunday, April 25, 2010

News Flash: Lindsey Graham is Wishy Washy

That is not really news to conservatives, but his bipartisan backstabbing evidently was to Democrats. They thought they could count on him. Much like us here in the state of South Carolina, they were wrong.

Graham has withdrawn his own bipartisan climate change and energy boondoggle the Democrats were planning to unveil tomorrow because e wants to see where immigration reform is heading first,. I do not support the climate bill, but hanging Democrats out to dry at the very last minute like that is a disloyal thing to do.

Okay, Graham cannot please me no matter what he does. I will admit it. He is the United Nations of the Senate: I hate when he is ineffective, but hate it more when he takes action because of incompetence. The guy is too far gone to recover any legitimacy in his office.