Friday, April 23, 2010

Army Rescinds Invitation to Franklin Graham Because He is too Christian

The army has uninvited Franklin Graham to the Pentagon's National Day of prayer event for his "controversial' comments. What exactly did Graham say that was so thorny/ He claimed that islam was evil, but Jesus died for Muslims, too. In other words, his beliefs are too Christian.

Honestly, I can understand a certain wariness at having someone who spoke an inconvenient truth take part in a Pentagon event. There are military members of all faiths ad no faith serving. But it occurs to me that inviting clergy from different faiths to a National Day of Prayer event would imply an acceptance of those clergy’s belief that, you know, everyone who is not part of his faith is going to hell. Religion is mutualy exclusive by definition, no?

What also bugs me is the sudden sense the Christian view of Islam is a bad thing and ust ot be a part of the Pentagon’s activities while Nidal Hassan was allowed to speak openly about how infidels should be killed. Lo and behold, he acted on that belief, too. No one with two brain cells to rub together thinks graham has a violent bone in his body, nordo his beliefs incite ati-Muslim violence.

So what is this? A politically correct military trying to not offend Muslims? Good grief this on the same day Comedy Central bows to Muslim threats and edits the South Park episode featuring Mohammed. I do not like where this is heading.