Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Independent Payment Advisory Board and Healthcare Rationing

If you are still skeptical whether the goal of ObamaCare is healthcare rationing, here is your proof. The Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) is specifically set up to ration healthcare even though ObamaCare supporters denied it.

The big problem is changing IPAB’s decisions--it is impossible because of a lack of accountability. The members are permanent and unselected with no oversight. Its rulings became law automatically unless overturned by a 67 vote supermajority in the senate. That is an incredibly difficult umber to reach even on a vote with bipartisan appeal.

The IPAB is a death panel any way you slice it. It will decide certain medical procedures are too expensive to pay for certain patients. The IPAB will be a distant, cold panel of disinterested bureaucrats casually ruling on matters of life and death with only the bottom line in mind. Anyone suffering from their decisions has only the remote hope the senate can muster a supermajority in their favor. Good luck with that.

I have to reiterate yet again--what kid of person would want to serve on something like the IPAB?