Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Cybermen v. Daleks in Doctor Who Finale?

Digital Spy recently interviewed monster voice actor Nick Briggs. He not only confirms the Cybermen will return for the finale, but so wil the Daleks.

The news is a further reneging of Steven Moffat’s early assertion he would not be using many classic villains because he wanted to create nostalgia for the future, not rehashing old characters for longtime fans. It was almost immediately speculated the BBC would force Moffat to reconsider. I have no idea if that is the root cause, but with the new colors of the rainbow Daleks having already appeared and the Cybermen central to the season’s story arc, Moffat’s moratorium on using old enemies is obviously off the table.

Rumors have been the cracks I reality that have appeared in every fifth season episode so far are going to allow the Cybrus Industry Cybermen trapped there in ’”Doomsday” come through to our reality. Or perhaps those from ’The Next doctor’ will crawl out of their graves. Maybe both. But word is they will engage in conflict with our universe’s Cybermen.

Where do the Daleks fit I? Many were trapped like the Cybrus Industries’ Cybermen in “Doomsaday.” They must be comig through the cracks I reality as well. Maybe that will mean those rainbow Daleks are not long for this world. I can dream, can I not?

Or is Briggs given us misdirection? I have a tough time believing a voice actor would do that. More than likely he is overstepping his bounds and talking about a script he should not be talking about. Or maybe the revelation isall part of building up hype. I donot know, but I am curious to see Moffat’s take on the doctor’s most major villains.