Friday, February 27, 2004

Open House

I crashed aftr coming home from classes today for a lot longer than I expected. Almost three hours longer, in fact. Now I’m wide awake at the time of night that I’d normally be winding down or already conked out. It seems like a perfect time to update this puppy. It’s mostly the same old same old.

Sure enough, i was on the hot seat in Federal Courts for the second time in a week. For some reason, I seem to have a target on my back in that class. The subject is so theoretical and nebulous that I often can’t make heads or tails out of iy even as I’m analyzing it in front of everyone. At least most everyone else in the class is in the same boat that I am and the professor is sympathetic.

There was an open house in the Dean’s office all day long. I dropped by his office for moment, as the prevailing assumption is that virtually no other classmate would. Friday’s a bad day for such things, no? We had a short conversation regarding some of the issues I’ve been dealing with lately involving my injury and my mother’s death. I expressed my concern that I think I’ve been insulated from how much I’ve lost back home while being in Virginia. I’ve spent less than a week in South Carolina since Mother died last March. It’s going to be a new experience to go back there permanently. We prayer about things together, which was a nice touch.

This leads us to the bit where I crashed and thought happy thoughts in la la land for a few hours. It’s one of the virtues of Friday afternoon, now that I think about it.

I forgot to send in my Columbia House selection of the month for the fourth time in seven years and for the third time, I’ve been happy with my mistake. I’m currently playing thr spoils of my irresponsibility, Lonestar’s Greatest Hits. As sick as I am of hearing I’m Already There it’s even tolerable among the other gems on the CD. I especially like their cover of Walking in Memphis It’s quite good.

I think i’m going to head off and warp my little fragile little mind with a Mario Brothers video game.