Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sally Quinn Exposes the Christian Conservative DWTS "Conspiracy" and Her Hypocrisy

Last night, I wrote about how elitists Kbelieve their losses are the result of the ignorant masses acting improperly. Well, here you go. Sally Quinn, The Washington Post's religion writer, not only loses her stuffing over Bristol Palin's success on Dancing with the Stars, but explains how she inflates her votes for Jennifer Grey in an attempt to knock Palin out of the competition:
Not only that, but I vote. Under the show's rules, you're allowed to vote five times on one line. I have six lines at home and my cell, so I vote as many times as I can for my favorite.
Quinn has six phone lines, which she uses to maximize her five voting opportunities per line, for a grand total of thirty votes. The rules allow for this, so i do not begrudge her for it, but if you read the rest of the coluimn, you will see how she accuses Christian conservatives of conspiratorial voting in order to put Palin over the top. This is immoral in quinn's mind because Palin is not a real dancer.

Do read the entire article. It is a hoot how Quinn squeezed Norman Lear's hand and cried when palin beat out Brandy last week. Oh, how she wishes those racist teabaggers did not vote, in reality shows or real elections!

(Via: Althouse)