Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Big Bang Theory--"The 21-Second Excitation"

Big Bang Theory,The 21-Second ExcitationThis is the kind of episode I was referring to a few weeks ago when I said The Big Bang Theory is at its best as an ensemble show rather than every character playing off Sheldon. That still happened to a large extend--Amy was even thrown into the mix as a Sheldon for the girls--but “The 21-Second Excitation” showcased everyone.

The episode was split between the guys camping out to get into a showing of a special cut of Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark and a girl’s night between Penny and Bernadette Amy invite herself to join. Sheldon is naturally anal about getting there five hours early, but still misses out when his nemesis Wil Wheaton takes the gang’s spot. Twenty years later, Wesley Crusher is still ruining the fun for everyone. Amy takes on the obnoxiously awkward Sheldon role during the girls’ slumber party.

I have to compliment Mayim Bialik with how she plays Amy. I was skeptical giving Sheldon a girlfriend would not be a jump the shark idea, but the character has more often than not been a welcome addition to the cast. She is the female version of Sheldon, yet unique enough to be her own character. I am not certain whether to be amused or sympathetic to how hard she attempts to fit in with the social norms she both despises and desires. I am mostly amused.

You cannot have an episode without Sheldon stealing the show. This time, he literally does by snatching the movie reels and taking off in a parody of the initial action scene in Raiders when Indy is running for the plane, idol in hand, and a mob of angry natives giving chase. Howard was not killed by poisoned blow darts. Were you disappointed?

A couple loud hints regarding Penny were given. One, they did not do a very good job of hiding the cast on Kaley Cuoco’s leg. Sitting behind the bar like she did in the previous episode was all right, but hiding behind the coffee table or couch, and once just crossing her legs, was guerilla filmmaking at its cheapest. why not just say Penny broke her leg? Heck, that would give Bernadette and Amy an excuse yo be hanging out overnight at her place.

Second, she is still emotionally attached to Leonard. There is no way such a relationship would work. That is why it was funny while it lasted. Giving it another go just does not sound right. I hope they do not. Other, a really fun, funny episode.

Rating: *** (out of 5)