Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Palin Derangement Syndrome is Not Just About Sarah

Full disclosure; I do not watch Dancing with the Stars. Therefore, I can only comment on the absurdity surrounding progressive irritation Bristol Palin, presumably a lead-footed dancer, making it to the finals. Any fans want to elaborate on details I am incapable of, feel free to do so.

Good Morning America did a seven minute segment this morning on an alleged conspiracy that Tea Partiers are putting forth a concerted effort to make Bristol this season’s DWTS champion even though the judges have consistently disliked her routines. I do not know if this is true and do not really care, because what the accusation boils down to is, "How dare viewers vote for the dancer of their choice!” I mean, geez, she is not even a real dancer like…well, none of the stars are real dancers, actually.

Let me tell you something my trial practice professor told me back in law school. It does not matter how in the right your client is or how well you argued his case. Be prepared to lose based solely on the idea you were a jerk, you wore wearing an ugly tie, or the female lawyer you were going up against has nice boobs. Juries--people in general--make decisions on whatever criteria they feel like, facts be…uh, darned.

Most certainly, politics plays a role in Bristol’s case. Her mother is Sarah Palin, Progressives want her to pull a hamstring on live television just for that fact. You have to be bemused at how progressives will despise a child period for who her mother is, much less something so frivolous as her mother being a prominent Republican contemplating what has a decent chance of being a successful 2012 White House bid.

Then there is the Wisconsin man who shot out his television over Bristol's DWTS success.

How many of Bristol’s critics would have the courage to get on national television and perform like she has, with no prior experience, and putting up with the double whammy of the judge’s heavy criticism and a politically motivated hatred that can prompt gunplay/ Virtually none, I would imagine. It must be terribly irksome for the to know Bristol is having a good time all the way, too.

Apparently, progressives think no one is ever supposed to be successful or happy. The guilt of it all is supposed to weigh you down to the point there is no pleasure in it. Even if your success is indisputable, it is the by product of centuries of imperialism, racial prejudice--Bristol beat out Brandy, for heaven’s sake!--and environmental irresponsibility. If you do not see that, you are just too stupid to live. Fortunately, progressives have a death panel waiting for you…eventually.

So there! One can only deduce it is Bristol’s happiness that really bothers the left. Therefore, it makes me happy. I hope she wins the whole competition.