Friday, October 29, 2010

Allegedly Deep Thought #1--How Old Would You Be if You Did Not Know How Old You Are?

The pedantic answer would be 33. Even if I did not know how old I am, I would still be the same age. Ignorance of one’s actual age does not make one older or younger. If it did, we have rain surgeons out there specializing in lobotomies that specifically too care of such things for the youth obsessed wealthy.

But since this question is looking for some enlightened, existential answer, I will play along.

Judging by how I feel, how quickly I appear to be falling apart, and the perpetual autumn of life in which I dwell, I would say I am somewhere I my early 60’s. Still alive and sharp, but life has definitely slowed down. More time is spent cherishing memories of the past than experiencing new things. More things leave than enter.

All this stuff contributes to my being more a reflective old man than a thirty-something.