Thursday, July 17, 2003

You Only Die Twice

No, that's not the title of the latest James Bond movie. It is my new status, same as the old. Longtime readers (assuming there is such an animal) will remember the Social Security Administration's snafu of a few weeks ago which declared that I died on March 18, 2003 instead of my mother. You will also recall I had to drop everything in the middle of summer classes to go to South Carolina and straighten it all out. You will also recall I sat through nearly four hours of interviews that day. You will recall--as do I--that I seemed pretty much alive that day. Battle scarred and world weary, but alive. Well, we'd both be wrong. Now I died on June 11, 2003--the day of my interview. Obviously, I have an awfully colorless personality. If only I had a sense of thea-tuh!

Is there anything the government actually does right? Seriously, the scariest words in the English language are, "I'm from the government. I'm here to help."