Friday, July 18, 2003

Blair Before Congress

I enjoy getting to see foreign leaders speak. That opportunity doesn't come up too often in the United States, but i make a concerted effort to watch when it does. Is there anyone else in the United States who watches Prime Minister's questions at 2:00 AM?

Regardless, I didn't find President Bush or Prime Minister Blair's speeches revealing or conclusive. They're still in "wait and see" mode. But I took heart from this statement by Massachusetts Democrat Ed Markey attacking the White House: "So far, both sides of our transatlantic alliance appear unwilling to tell the whole truth about how little we really knew when the order for war was given."

"How little we really knew," says Rep. Markey. What an amazing statement. I'm not a CIA agent and my entire body of knowledge about the workings of national security comes from watching two seasons of Fox's "24," but let me remind the Congressman what I knew about Saddam when we went to war:

1-He's a terrorist. He trained terrorists, funded terrorists, and carried out terrorist acts, including car bombings on American targets.

2-He had a twenty year career of pursuing chemical, biological and nuclear weapons, including a nuclear facility built by the French (and destroyed by Israel in 1981) and a nuclear program at the end of the first Gulf War reportedly within 1-5 years of a nuclear weapon. He even had a married couple working for him nicknamed "Dr. Germ and Missile Man" until the fall of Baghdad.

3-His intelligence community was in touch with elements of many Mideast terror groups, including Al Qaeda.

4-Insert the long list of atrocities, acts of aggression, etc. here.

Just because we can't find the Wal-Mart receipts regarding uranium, the war was not justified? Pshaw. I don't buy it, and neither will the American people.