Saturday, July 12, 2003

Feat of Clay

Public Socks it to the FCC No, not about deregulation of US media, but about voting irregularities that may have made Clay Aiken lose American Idol. Now, I don't personally give two shakes of a lamb's tail about 99.8% of what's on television (do yourself a favor--kick in the screen and turn it into a planter. You'll be much happier.) but this was too good a commentary on society to pass up. So this is what it takes to get America to stand up to the man - American Idol? If only so many people were so adamant, enthused and willing to vote in political elections. Hmmm ... maybe we should make the presidential candidates sing solos on television rather than debate the issues?

Could we find a new Iraqi president this way? Get me Colin Powell on the phone....