Saturday, January 10, 2004

Further Elaboration

After crashing for nearly fourteen hours, I can now assess the damage with a relatively clear head. Some of it is more acute than others. Once i put my feet on the floor, I immediately felt the jarring aftershocks. Mt neck and shoulders ache—especially my right one. I have some nice bruises up and down my arms and a huge one on my knee where I went down.

To elaborate, I stumbled over a theshold covered by carpet in our student union building. I tried for a few seconds to regain my balance, but I knew it wasn’t possible. For that split moment I knew I couldn’t save myself, I knew I was going to hit the wall. I certainly did. Face first, in fact. I was dazed, but I can remember saying my nose was broken. There were two members of the maintenance staff nearby. One grabbed me from behind to keep me from falling over, as both my head and nose were gushing blood. Someone, I don’t even know who, called 911.

Much of this was a blur, but I do recall hearing prayers, one even in Hebrew. I remember it running through my mind how interesting it is to be at Regent. I can’t hink of any other school where that would happen. It’s funny the things that go through your mind while you are spitting blood into a cup.

Well, I got the whole nine yards—ambulance ride, cat scan, six hour emergency room wait while alternating an ice pack between my head and nose. I had a three inches hematoma (bleeding under the skin) to go along with the stitches on my nose. The blood didn’t seem to phase too many. Even the janitors kept cleaning up around me without slowing down in their conversation. I assume they’ve seen much worse in their time.

I, however, have not. I have a swollen gash across my forehead, another across the bridge of my nose, and what appears to be a nice chunk out of my septum, but i can’t tell exactly how bad until it scabs over. Everthing, from hairline to neck, is a nice shade of either blue or purple, with a few bits f green just to add some variety.

The university administration has freaked. Even while I was on the floor bleeding and the paramedics were trying to keep mre from going into shock, the head administrator came down and was interrogating me as to whether I thought they might be at fault. Even Pat Robertson gave me a call to personally apologize. I’m thinking that Monday Morning is going to be a really interesting time.

I am an emotional wreck at all this. Last year was terrible, and this year isn’t shaping up to be any better I’m an emotional wreck over the scarring of my nose. It’s up in the air, but there might be plastic surgery in my future. There is no telling where this will all wind up, but one things is for certain: even when you think you’ve lost everything ,fate finds a way to take even more.