Monday, August 4, 2003

Well, It's About Time

Sen. Ernest Hollings to Retire His seat will be an easy pick up for the GOP. The only two Democrats who have expressed interest in running are Secy. of Education Inez Tenenbaum and Columbia Mayor Bob Coble. The general response to the two of them is, "Isn't she that loony woman?" and, "Who?" respectively. As a side note, one of my old classmates and College Republican cohorts from the University of South Carolina is the campaign manager for Charleston real estate developer Thomas Ravenel's Senate bid on the GOP side.

Usually, former Gov. Carroll Campbell's endorsement meant the GOP nomination was in the bag. Now that he is feeling the full effects of Alteizmers, his influience will not be a factor. One would assume he would endorse U.S. Rep. Jim DeMint. I, however, expect former Atty. General Charlie Condon (cousin of a current classmate. Smal world, no?) to be our next senator.