Friday, August 29, 2003

A Counter Encounter

I strolled into Waldenbooks today and made my usual eclectic purchases. (I've made a few friends of the staff their because I don't buy the usual Harry Potter and "nekkid women" magazines they are used to. Apparently that Winston Churchill biography had been sitting on the shelf quite awhile. Anyhow..) The checkout girl plopped my debit card back on the counter and....yeah, okay..she was about 24, dark hair tied in a pony tail with some loose strands that fll over her wire rim glasses and into her face. Curvy, yes. Cute, yes. Satisfied?

If I may continue. she plopped my debit card on thr counter. As I reached for it she was putting the receipt down for me to sign. Her pen gave me a near perfect Nike Swoosh just under the knuckles.

"Ooh, I'm sorry. I wrote on you." she said, apologetically.

"Don't worry. It's not the worst thing a girl has ever done to me." I joked.

She laughed awkwardly. I'm thinking that wasn't really a decent joke to tell. i certainly have a way with cute girls, let me tell you.

On an even worse note, Marvel Comics (man does not live by literature alone) has raisd its standard cover price from $2.25 to $2.99. Yeesh. Does anyoe really wonder why they are only selling 2/3 of what they were selling 5 years ago?