Saturday, August 2, 2003

Sentio Aliquos Togatos Contra Me Conspirare

Ever get hit with the realization that you’re a patsy? It’s an interesting feeling, particularly when I tend to keep to myself more often than not. It takes a particularly skillful manipulator to pull me out of my routine for convenient use then discard me as just easily when the mood passes. Look at the bright side, I suppose. At least I’m useful.

I received a good grade in UCC II. I was surprised, really. Statute based exams always worry me, since i never know if I’ve gone into depth in discussing the issues. Apparently, I hit the nail on the head this time around. I’d hope this would motivate me for the coming school year. It hasn’t.

I need to be doing other things too, like finding a roommate and studying for the MPRE. I haven’t done much in either regard. It weren’t so expensive I’d forgo a roomie altogether, but that’s just not feasible. Oh, well. With a four page waiting list, I shouldn’t have to do much to find one. Ground rules will be set before any leases are signed. As for the MPRE, I’ve got to get off my duff on that one. I didn’t even bother to go to the free review session today, so there’s some room for improvement there.

I need a wake up call—and a make it a bit less costly than the ones I’ve been getting in recent memory, if you don’t mind.