Monday, August 16, 2010

Ground Zero Mosque Moves Ahead with Jew-Hating Glee

After an early rumor the forces behind the Ground Zero mosquewere backing off in the name of appeasement comes a lovely tweet from one of the backer:
"If Haaretz likes publishing fables, perhaps they could go back to the Yiddish ones with parables.
These are the Jew-hating, religion of peace adherents of which you Ground Zero mosque supporters think so highly. A spokesman for the project:
'That's complete misinformation. That's crazy,' El-Gamal said. 'That's totally totally wrong. This is more misinformation in this web of misinformation.' 'We've never even talked about this as an idea. Everything is on track and moving forward at the same location.'"
So much for promoting understanding between Muslims and other people. the ground Zero mosque must move forward because...why? To the victor go the spoils?

Hamas approves.